Parenthood~ Malik

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A little something done in about an hour. I tried to add some feeling into it but next door neighbor is watching family guy and it's really loud and tough to take anything seriously at the moment. Plus, I just woke up.

Malik walked calmly with the infant in his grasp as he held him close.

The one armed man finished his work for the day and was now roaming the halls. He told his son of all the books he's read, the many stupid things Altair had done in his life and much more.

The stories Malik valued most were those with his younger brother. Malik rarely spoke of him and Tazim should know of his lost uncle.

"He would've like you.", Malik chuckled as he took slow steps. "Not your crying late at night, but still."

Tazim was blubbering incoherently in his arms as he fiddled with his father's robes.

It was almost midnight and most of the men in the castle were fast asleep.
Malik walked down the steps, out to the courtyard as he noticed it was empty. An Assassin or two would pass, coming back home from a long trip or going out for late night training.

The new father decided it was far too cold and started walking back up the steps once more.

"Yes, Kadar would have loved you.", he smiled. "That boy was quite a handful, just like you."

Malik walked toward an open window and sat on the sill while he looked down.

"All the fun you two would've had together.", the father told his son. "We would have trained you together, once you're old enough."

It was true. If his brother still lived, Malik and Kadar would've both trained the young Tazim themselves.

"Would he ever have had children?", Malik asked himself absentmindedly.

He laughed quietly when he remembered what Kadar had done once.

"Your uncle," Malik laughed silently before continuing, "He tried to seem tough once, in front of a girl out in the markets."

This happened once when the brothers thought it was too hot to be in the castle or to even train. They had a free day and thought to go swimming, that quickly changed when Altair thought they would do something stupid and decided to come along with the brothers.

So they went into the markets and Kadar bought a bag of walnuts and seeds. They sat on a shady roof right below a tree and looked down to all the people walking through and buying different things.

Kadar and Malik sat on the edge close together and munched on their snack while Altair sat farther away but still close enough to steal walnuts from his friends.

"Look at that beauty.", Kadar said suddenly as he looked down into the markets.

Malik followed his gaze and saw a young woman with caramel colored skin and the darkest eyes. She was wearing a dark colored dress and shielded her neck from the sun by using a scarf.

"She will be my wife." Kadar proclaimed as he smirked and popped a few seeds into his mouth.

Malik scoffed before he started full out laughing at his brother. "Oh, really?"

"Yes." His younger brother said absentmindedly, "I will have her hand some day very soon."

Malik couldn't help but laugh at his brother for acting so naive. Kadar seemed so full of himself and these were the times he cherished most. The very few occasions where they were allowed to let their guard down and act childish.

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