Not me~ Malik and Maria

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Summary: Maria decides to snoop around and find out about Malik's love life.

I re-did the ending because when I went back to read it today, a whole chunk of it was missing.

"Oh please, how bad could it be?", she asked.

"Extremely bad. Now, can I please get back to the work your idiotic husband left for me?", Malik tried to get some peace within his room.

He'd turned the far corner of it into his own office. He mostly liked the privacy his room brought him, which is why he turned it into an office of sorts, but of course, Maria knew no limits.

"Malik, how do you expect your name to be passed down if you do not look for a suitable woman?", she asked as she walked over to the man's desk. "You will die a wrinkled old man with no one to pass down your legacy to.", she scolded.

"No, I won't.", the man scoffed. "You always say how much work it is to care for a child anyway."

"And it is!", she said pointedly.

"And if it is", he started, "You could always just give me your eldest and let him believe he is my own.", he joked. "He is still a child and doesn't even know the difference between his father and a melon. He can hardly walk."

True, young Darim was just over one years old and waddled everywhere, he took a few steps but preferred to be carried. As stubborn as his parents.
Maria didn't find it the least bit funny but she was a woman and women are unpredictable. "Malik, if you do not find a woman I will find one for you myself."

With that being said, Maria was out of his room, leaving Malik to contemplate her words. Knowing Maria, she would bring a woman to his room by nightfall. By nightfall.

"Women.", he ran his hand across his face before going out through his door and chasing after the ex Templar.

"Maria.", he scolded as he caught up with her.

"Ah, you have changed your mind and wish for me to help you find a lady I presume?", she spoke with pride.

"You presumed incorrectly.", Malik made sure no other Assassin's were present among the halls before continuing. "You will not stop pestering me until I find a suitable woman, am I correct?"

Maria nodded, a prideful grin on her face. "You need child to pass on your name!"

The one armed man took a deep breath, he would regret this at some point. "The reason I keep you away from my personal life is because I have already found a lovely lady. One of which no one knows about."

The brunette smirked. "A woman, an actual female? And only I know of her existence? Do tell, Malik, what is she like? Will I meet her? How did you meet her?"

Too many questions for such a short amount of time. Malik made his mind and decided he wouldn't tell her much. "I will only answer one of your questions if you will leave my personal life alone. For good."

Maria thought over the bargain, she tilted her head. "Three questions, I get to see her and then I will leave you alone."

"Two questions and you do not see her."

"No questions and I get to meet her."

"Or no questions and no meeting.", Malik tried his luck.

"Fine, three questions, and I will see to it myself personally that no one learns of her existence."

Maria smirked as she thought she would at least get some information out of it. She was never one to gossip but this newly found information was causing her quite a stir.

"We will not discuss this out in the halls.", Malik stated. He made his way back toward his chambers, Maria following behind him.

Once in his room, Maria darted toward his desk and sat down.

Malik came in after her and closed the door behind him.

"Well?", he asked.

Maria though for a moment. "How and where did you meet? I count that as one question.", she pointed out.

The one armed man sighed. "Very well. In the market a few months ago."

"Months?! No, Malik you will tell me details! I must know everything, you won't come short handed with the details.", she wasn't afraid to force the information out of him. Maria would get what she wanted.

Malik ran his hand across his face. "I went to buy inks and quills one day, Altair had taken all I had. She had sold them to me, we made conversation and that is that.", he explained.

Maria processed the information, a grin on her face. "What is she like? What is her name?!"

She couldn't stop the excitement from rising. Malik was a serious man who hardly ever spoke with anyone else unless he was insulting them.

"Her name I cannot say but she works in selling different inks and cloth. She makes her own clothes.", he told her.

Maria nodded, a hand on her chin. She expected the woman to be quite charming as Malik would never have made the first move. "I bet she has dark hair like me. Perhaps even as long as my own."

Malik scoffed before thinking thinking for a moment. "She has hair like ebony. Her skin is like caramel and her eyes are like the darkest jewels. She wears a scarf embroidered with different beads and sewn with patterned designs on the hem.", he explained. "Is that enough detail for you, Maria?"

The woman scoffed. "She sounds simply wonderful.", she teased.

"Now," he opened the door. "I believe it's time for you to go."

Maria rolled her eyes and walked toward the door. She stopped and turned around to ask Malik one more question but the man had already locked her out.

"I will find out who she is, Malik!", Maria declared.

A few other Assassin's looked her way but she sent them a death glare and made her way down the halls.

For some reason I always thought Maria and Malik would despise each other because of their personalities. I always liked the idea of Malik having someone special but still wanting to be tough and so this happened. Any questions, comments, suggestions, or anything else go ahead and state them, I'd love feedback.

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