No Future~ Ezio and Claudia

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Yea, idk what I did. I was watching Warrior and I liked the sibling bond. I'm planning on making a little something else with siblings, like brother's probably I'm still not sure. This is a VERY short one shot and it's pretty pointless but it's something. I didn't check my spelling so if the names are wrong that is totally my fault.

Claudia was sitting on the edge of the rooftop. Her skirts blew with the light breeze as she picked at her sleeves.

She felt light tears trickle down her cheeks as she sniffled and rubbed at her nose and eyes.

Her family was now gone. It was broken. Her father and brothers dead, her mother inconsolable. The only person she had left was Ezio and even he was too busy to pay any attention to her.

Or maybe he wasn't.

She heard footsteps behind her and the young Assassin quickly came to her side and sat beside her.

Claudia turned away, she didn't want him to see her crying.

"Claudia, I've been looking everywhere for you.", he said as he brought his hood down. "I always thought you were afraid of heights.", Ezio admitted.

The young woman wiped away any evidence of tears from her face and exhaled. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Ezio."

This was true.

Ezio would always see her as his little sister. Even as an adult, he will always see her as the young girl who used to be afraid of storms and would try to get into either his or Federico's bed.

"I know how broken you are at the moment.", he said quietly.

Ezio brought his knee up and rested his arm on it.

Claudia looked his way. She thought for a few moments before speaking, and when she did, she broke down.

"Why does this have to happen?", she said as tears rolled down her face.

She was crying both from anger and sadness. Claudia wanted everything to be back to normal.

The young woman stood up and started pacing across the rooftop, her dress flowing beside her.

"I've tried to be strong, but this is too much, Ezio.", she exclaimed.

Her brother stood up and went to stand in front of her. He took her hands in his own.

"No, Claudia.", he said. "You don't have to be strong anymore if you don't want to."

It hurt him to see his sister like this. She was practically all he had left. If she was tired of being strong then so be it. He'd take care of them both. Claudia was his family, family was most important.

"I don't want to be a burden. I'm a woman.", she said.

She wiped away the tears with her sleeve as she kept pulling at the loose strings from her dress.

Claudia knew deep down that although she thought herself above others, others wouldn't always agree.

People will still see her as a woman and nothing more. She tried her best to keep a straight face and intimidate anyone who thought her weak but she was just faking it. She threw on a mask to show off confidence everyday.

"A strong woman.", Ezio pointed out and chuckled.

He pulled his sister into a hug and Claudia buried her face into his chest.

The only family they had left was each other and their mother.

They felt a familiar warmth. As children they'd go to their parents bedroom. It was before Petruccio was born and they were all mostly scared of storms.

The raindrops were heavy that Ezio used to almost think the sky itself was falling and they were doomed.

The young woman put on a sour face as she was hugging her brother in his robes instead of his normal clothes.

"It's not funny. What will we do?", she asked as she pulled away from her brothers embrace.

Ezio exhaled and looked around for a few seconds. "We keep moving forward. We do whatever it is we have to do."

Claudia felt herself chuckle. He was so confident in himself, sometimes so stubborn in thinking he was always right.

She looked Ezio over before giving him a sad smile. "You remind me of father, in his robes.", she pointed out.

Neither of them ever saw their father as an Assassin. He was a just a man, a father, nothing more.

Ezio tried to lighten the mood.

"Much better looking than him, no?", he said as he tried to show off his new attire.

They laughed quietly amongst each other. Ezio would do anything to see his younger sister smile again and so he'd succeeded.

Whenever Claudia fell down as a child or scraped her knee, either Ezio or his older brother would console her. She was but a child and their parents told them to take care of the little girl.

They were so innocent once. Now that time was long gone.

"You don't worry, fiorre.", Ezio told her. "Let me do the worrying for both of us.", he smiled.

She finally surrendered and gave him a forced smile. "Fine. Let's go get something to eat.", Claudia said as she wrapped an arm around her brother.

Although they had a pointless conversation, Claudia was glad she still had some family. She had her mother and Ezio, a physical representation of them both. Her father and two brothers were also there, she just hadn't seen them.

Not yet.

I finished this in like less than an hour. Warrior is one of my favorite movies and I got inspiration from that. If anything was misspelled or wrong that's my fault I'm half awake right now and I almost wrote Petruccio as Federico actually.

Comments and questions go ahead and leave them. Anything else you can message me I don't mind at all. Thanks for reading.

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