Authors Note

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't an update but I am working on some more one shots right now.

Just letting you know that I've posted up two more stories, "A Ripple in Time" and "AC: A strange life we'll lead."

A Ripple in Time will put the Assassin's in modern day. I know it's been over done but I'd like to see how me and Lea_Selina57 would make that story.

AC: A strange life we'll lead is with Connor and Arno. Basically in a nutshell it's Arno trying to hunt down Shay Cormac with Connor's help.

So check those out I would love it if you did.

Thanks again to Lea_Selina57 you've been a big help. And thanks to you guys who read my stories. I'll be sure to post up another one shot tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

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