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A one shot that came to my head while I was watching a movie. One of my favorite movies and Yes, I did steal some dialog (That's how you spell it right?) from the movie because I just thought it was perfect and I wouldn't be able to do a better job.

Also, yeah I added in a scene, the one that mostly inspired me. Hopefully you like the story it took me like a day to finish it.

This is a bit AU but I hope not too much. It's also pretty long.

A few weeks have passed since Altair gained control of the order. Everything was going well. Assassin's trained and became stronger than ever. The order was at it's best.

But life is no fairy tale. With good things, bad things will soon follow.

Quickly, news traveled to Masyaf. An unknown figure killing both Templars and Assassin's alike. No pattern or reason for his kill, all Malik knew was that men were being murdered. Both, Assassin's and Templars were decreasing. Not drastically, but just enough to gain someone's attention.

The nights seemed to grow longer and colder. The stone walls of the castle held no warmth in them yet the men living inside kept the fire in Masyaf from extinguishing.

Malik was in his room, at his desk reading through an old book when Altair came in.

"Malik, I have business to attend to, I need you to take over during my absence.", Altair told him as he secured the straps on his robe.

The one armed man nodded, "What is the purpose of your assignment?", he asked as he lent back on his chair and stretched his legs.

Altair made sure his weapon's were secure before he spoke once more. "We have found information on the culprit who is slaying our brothers. Maria will accompany me, she is the best fighter at the moment, all the other men are far too busy."

Malik scoffed. A stupid plan but it was at least something. Altair would go hunt down whoever was disturbing the peace and kill him. It didn't matter at all, this would all be over within the week.

It was early in the afternoon but the sun had set a few hours before. Altair would have enough time to put an end to this and be back by sunrise.

"Fine.", Malik told his friend. "With Maria by your side, I am more than sure she will keep you from doing anything idiotic."

His friend chuckled before saying goodbye and leaving on his assignment.

Malik watched from his room to the ground below. He saw as both Altair and Maria rode out of Masyaf to fix the flaw that bugged him most. The culprit would be caught and killed before sunrise.

Hours passed and Malik began to get a headache. He'd fallen asleep at his desk and barely woke up.

Malik let his thoughts wander and he finally noticed that they knew hardly anything on the man who was killing those Assassin's or Templars.

Rumors went around, speaking of a 'dark angel', a man covered in rags that slightly resembled the Assassin robes. He had no expensive or fancy weapons on his person, only a sharp edged knife and sword.

What a strange time to live in where any person who took the life of another was considered an angel of sorts amongst some people.

It was a dark night while Malik looked out his window. He quickly noticed a lone horse and it's rider coming through and into the stables where they left their horse and started running toward the castle.

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