My Cupcake~ Altair

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I have a thing for Father/Daughter stuff idk why and Altaïr is my favorite. I always wanted to know what would happen if he had a daughter. It's a bit slow at first so I'm sorry. I did this before falling asleep so my brain is half awake and I finished it when I barely woke up.

"Why did you bring her here?", Altair asked his wife.

Maria had brought back home a young girl, about seven years old, no older than Darim. She had dark eyes to match her unruly hair, a girl dressed in rags. Somehow, Altair thought, she reminded him of Malik.

A much more friendlier version of Malik.

"She was all alone, I couldn't have left her by herself. The young girl was a beggar with no family!", Maria exclaimed.

The little girl was hiding behind the woman.

"I will not be responsible for her.", he pointed out.

Maria huffed. "I never said you would be responsible for her. I can take care of her myself.", she hated that Altair thought everyone needed his help.

And so Maria took the young girl under her wing. The little girl was actually a few months younger than Altair's eldest. Her name turned out to be Anya.

Anya, the troublemaker. She was quiet and didn't make much of a fuss. The girl only begun to get into trouble when she played with the other children.

Weeks turned to months and Anya slowly became a part of their small family. Darim and Sef thought of her as a sister and cared for her like Maria instructed them to do so.

"She is now your sister. You must protect her as brothers.", she explained one day.

"But we are not blood related.", pointed out the young Sef.

Maria nodded in agreement. "Yes, but you do not need to be blood related to be family."

Altair didn't mind at all that Anya had become their 'daughter', it was just simply strange. He knew Maria secretly wanted to have a girl and so this was her one chance to have a daughter.

"I have business to attend to today. I trust that you will take care of the children tonight.", Maria told him one day while Altair was in his study.

He had nothing to do that day and honestly he was quite ahead on his work. He'd trained with his sons and spent time with them while Maria was with Anya.

"The children? Yes, although I'm not sure you will be able to work with the girl by your side." Altair still wasn't comfortable calling her by her name and the young girl didn't call him father. She'd called Maria by mother plenty of times before.

Maria laughed, "I won't take her with me. No, it would bore her. You will take care of her and the boys."

Oh, crap.

After a few colorful words were exchanged, Altair saying he couldn't and Maria telling him that he must, an agreement was made. Maria forced him into caring for the children because he needed to be a father for once.

He wasn't even going to do much. Simply watch them for an hour or two before he had to put them to bed. Nothing harsh, nothing an assassin couldn't handle.

But after only a few minute's of watching as the children played in their room, Altair found himself exhausted. He couldn't handle the messes they made.

No, he called for backup. He called for Malik.

Malik of course declined but as stubborn as he was, Altair dragged the man along to help care for the children. He could deal with his sons but he didn't know what young girls wanted.

"Give her dolls to play with!", Malik said as he sat on one of the beds.

Altair stood beside him, watching as the children played and chased each other around the room.

"I've tried. After Maria told the girl what she used to do to her own dolls as a girl, this one rips their heads off. Imitating Maria in every way.", Altair exclaimed.

Malik shook his head. He didn't know much but he knew enough when it came to children. He'd grown up caring for Kadar and so he had a sort of fatherly aura within him.

He noticed as the young girl slowly became tired. Darim and Sef battled and chased each other while Anya rubbed at her eyes.

"Put her to bed. I will take care of the boys.", Malik told his friend.

Altair gave him a face, almost pleading, to switch and let him put the boys to bed instead. Of course it would be more difficult since they still had adrenaline running through their bodies but it was a risk he was willing to take.

"Anya," the one armed man went to help her to her feet and guided her to Altair. "The old man will tuck you in tonight."

Old man, Altair scoffed at the word. He was not old, he was in his prime! No, he wasn't as young as before but he wasn't a wrinkled old man.

"Come.", Altair said as he started walking to the door.

He was surprised to find that she wasn't following him. She leaned against Malik. Clearly she was only seconds away from falling asleep.

Altair groaned and went to pick her up. A strange sensation as he was used to carrying his sons, and on rare occasions now that they were getting older. She was slightly lighter and smaller. The young girl instinctively wrapped her small arms around him.

The assassin took her next door to her room and set her down on her bed. The girl curled into her blankets.

Altair hadn't really seen Anya's room. It had a few trinkets and toys scattered around, some on the desk in the far corner as if she'd been playing there.

The man began to walk towards the door.

"Wait," Anya called.

She was sitting upright against the large pillow behind her. Altair could see fear in her eyes.

He stopped and turned around, walking back toward her. "Yes?"

Anya thought whether to speak or not. She did, "Mother likes to tell me stories before bed."

Of course she did. And now it was Altair's turn to do the same. But he didn't want to, he knew no stories for little girls.

"I don't know any stories.", he told her truthfully.

The girl shook her head, she knew he had stories as he always spoke with Malik and told tales of his adventures. "Tell me how you and mother met."

No. Altair simply wanted to say no, to go to bed and forget this conversation ever took place. But Maria would surely hang him from one of the castles walls.

"Very well.", he sat on the edge of her bed.

He explained how he'd gone to kill one man but was met with another, a woman. Of course, he kept names out of it but it was still a good story. Altair motioned with his hands as he spoke, he told her how bewildered he was when he and Maria met.

Once he was finished explaining, Altair noticed how the young girl had crawled over and hugged him by his middle. She was fast asleep. He lent on the wall, frozen, not knowing what to do.

He quickly relaxed as he noticed Anya so calm. She was at peace while she slept, her dark hair a sloppy mess and her clothes wrinkled. The girl wore a dress Maria had gotten for her weeks ago.

Altair thought that it wasn't so bad having a daughter.

Daughters, he heard, we're a gift of peace. They were gentle and caring. He'd also heard that apparently a daughters love can help you to live longer, although, Altair doubted it.

"Good night, Anya.", he gently tucked her in before heading towards the door.

Just as he walked out the room, Altair heard a light voice. "Good night, papa."

So what'd ya think? I didn't really check my spelling so my bad if anything is wrong. Any questions, comments, or anything, go ahead and ask. Anything else you can message me or whatever. Thanks for reading.

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