My Children~ Arno

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I haven't written anything with Arno so here you go. It's slightly AU but nothing too bad, hopefully.

"Papa!", the little red head ran into her father's arms. Her older brother took slow long steps behind her.

Only two years older than little Marie but the young boy acted like an adult.

"Ah, ma petite fille!", Arno kissed the six year olds cheeck. Young Amaud went to his father's side and gave him a simple hug and smile.

The small family made their way to their home.

"Thank you, Celeste, I can take it from here.", he bid farewell to the girl and paid her for the night.

"Merci, Monsieur Dorian. Good night, kids.", the young woman went out the door into the night.

Arno took his children to bed. They lived in a rural home with three bedrooms. Their closest neighbors lived a mile away, which was not far.

"Papa, Celeste helped me sew the tear on my dress!", the little girl spoke with excitement as she played with the hem of Arno's coat.

"Really? That sounds fantastic.", he said as he took her into her room and tucked her into bed.

The small red head looked quite like her mother and saw the beauty in any silly thing. She even wanted to keep a frog as a pet once, saying that every living thing needed love. Arno quickly changed her mind when he lied and told her the frog would grow into a crocodile and eat them.

Marie got rid of the frog that very same day.

"Bonne nuit, papa.", the young girl closed her eyes and was dead to the world in a matter of seconds. A very deep sleeper indeed.

Making his way into Amaud's room, Arno pulled off his coat. The eight year old was climbing into bed when Arno walked in.

"Ready for bed, mon aventurier.", Arno lent down beside the boys bed.

"Why do you get to go out and explore and I don't? I'm hardly allowed to even go into town, and that's when either you or Celeste are with me.", the boy spoke with a slightly angered tone.

Arno was caught by surprise. His boy was growing up and wanted to see the world, but the world was a cruel place and the assassin wanted to shield his children from it.

"What makes you say that? Why would you want to see the world? It's a boring place, trust me.", the father tried bargaining with his son.

Amaud sighed. "If you're trying to lie to me you're doing a very bad job."

Arno chuckled slightly.

"I want to go out and see the world. I want to explore, to meet new people, to live! I want to be like you.", he looked to his father with the same set of eyes Arno had as a boy.

He studied his hands, "You're just a boy, I can't let my only son go out into the world knowing all the things that could go wrong.", Arno spoke truthfully. "It's a miracle that I come home when I do, many things can go wrong."

Amaud sighed as he curled into his blankets, whispering as he moved, "It's a risk I'm willing to take."

It wasn't fair that he was stuck at home while his father went out and met different people, got into trouble, and helped world. He wanted to be just like his father. An Assassin.

"I'll offer you a deal.", Arno said, "If you promise to work extra hard around the house and help out, I will let you see the world once you're old enough.", the father spoke in a soft tone.

The young boy thought it over. "How old is old enough?"

Arno couldn't help but smile. "How about ...eighteen."


"Deal.", Arno chuckled. "But you must grow strong in order to do what I do."

"I will. I promise."

Arno tucked his son in and went into his own bedroom. In a million years Arno never thought he would do this. He cried heavy tears that night.

His son wanted to become an Assassin. Arno wouldn't stop him, of course, but it sent an undeniable fear through his veins. The boy wanted to see the world and so he would let him.

His kids were growing fast and Arno was scared shit-less of loosing them so quickly. It felt like it was just yesterday that little Marie was tracking mud into the house with Amaud racing behind her.

He was scared of loosing them because he was getting older. He was scared of showing them the world, Arno wanted them to live a happy life with no problems.

But a person can only take so much.

Arno wouldn't guard them anymore, he would show them the true colors of the world and he would prepare them for it, make them stronger.

He wiped away the tears and decided that they were still his children and he would be with them for as long as he lived.

Yeah I honestly don't know what I did. It started off as like a father daughter fic but then I thought it was a bit AU so I tried to keep it with the Assassin idea. Yes he had kids, it's sort of AU so why not?! Arno is just scared that he will loose his kids either by their death or his own.

I found the name Amaud and it actually means Eagle ruler, I kinda regret the name but kinda don't.

Any questions, comments, or anything else, go ahead and message me or do whatever. Don't keep in the dark if you have something to say, I've done it before and now I'm going to summer school for it.

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