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"Morning, Luna." Sirius black greeted her from his breakfast table. Luna and her father were staying with Sirius, Remus, and Harry, for the weekend whilst Magical pest control was dealing with the Doxy infestation that had found its way into their house.

"Good morning, Mr Black." Luna smiled at the older man as she slid into the stool. Luna liked Sirius, he was a great parent for Harry. The older boy had gotten much more comfortable with himself since moving in with him. Sirius himself seemed in better shape since she had seen him last. When she has first seen him his aura was ever so dull, it was still grey now but seemed much brighter than it had been. "Has my father left for work yet?"

"Yes, he left about half an hour ago."

Luna nodded and poured herself a glass of the offered orange juice. "Is Harry awake yet?"

Sirius was always a tiny bit jealous of Potter men, as they always found their soul mates early in their lives. Sirius truly believed his chance for love had gone forever, he wasn't the same man since prison. "Yes. He was up pretty early, he's in his study, I think."

"I'll go interrupt him later." Luna nodded mostly to herself as Remus handed her the bowl of scrambled eggs. "Thank you, Professor Lupin."

"Just call me Remus." He responded, he had been telling the children this since the end of his teaching at Hogwarts. Luna knew she would likely never listen; He had the green colour she related to teachers although it was a little dull and shared with brown.

Luna nodded again and tucked into her breakfast. She liked this house very much, the people were nice and there wasn't a Nargle or Doxy in sight.

"Hey Luna." Fred and George came in to the kitchen too, they, and Ron, were also staying with Harry. Ginny was visiting with Fray.


"Looks like Ron's already been here." George laughed to himself. Ron wasn't the neatest eater in the world. Luna did wonder how Harry was able to tell the two apart, he didn't have the aura sight like she did. Even then it was hard. Fred's aura was yellow and George's was a light orange; she could only tell the difference if they were side by side. It was harder to tell when they were pranking; their auras filled with a playful pink passion.

"Fred, an owl left this for you." Sirius was another one who could tell the twins apart, he passed the envelope right to Fred.

"Who's owling you?" George questioned leaning over his brother's shoulder.

"Cedric Diggory." Fred shrugged. The twins shared a look, much like the ones she had seen the older Ravenclaw girls share on occasion. They both stood and hurried out of the room almost knocking their younger brother over in the process.

"Hey Sirius." Ron seemed a little uncomfortable addressing the man by his first name but was trying. "Is Harry out yet?"

The man shook his head finally giving up on reading the Daily Profit drivel for the day.

"I'm going to find him. Thank you for breakfast."

"Good luck getting in there." Remus took a mug of tea and walked out of the room; he thought if anyone could get Harry's attention away from his little study it would be his girlfriend.

Ron followed the blond girl up the stairs. She skipped on bare feet. It took a while for Ron to understand what Harry saw in the strange girl; she was nice but Ron couldn't understand the attraction. It had been- though he would never admit it, ever- one of his mother's romance books that helped him understand. Harry and Luna were quite alike, they understood each other on levels no one else could.

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