His Hat

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By- SoSoShady
Summary: Kevin's hat gets stolen and he starts to have mixed feelings about bullying.

Kevin was angry, no, actually he passed angry a long time ago.

The school day started off normally, like any other day, except this time something different happened.

Kevin was bullied.

Now, being a bully himself Kevin knew what was happening right away. He was shoved into the locker hard, and he heard his friends and team mates gasp loudly. Kevin thought he was seeing stars for a second before he shook his head, ready to beat the crap out of the person who pushed him. That was until he saw who did it.

Chase Anderson, the biggest guy in the school. He played on every sports team but was kicked off of everyone, he got to much joy into beating rival school students into a pulp on the field. He was easily close to seven feet tall and weighed at at least 300. He was a mix of muscle and fat, with short shaggy blond hair cut into some sort of ugly bowl cut. He was held back two years, making him the oldest student at Peach Creek.

A beefy hand slammed into his throat and Nazz screamed. An ugly smirk was on a very ugly face, beady eyes staring Kevin down. Next thing he knew he felt a breeze and his hat was gone.

His hat was gone.

Fucking gone, as in it was right in Chase Anderson's fucking hands.

Chase let go of him suddenly and he dropped to the ground with a small 'oof', he didn't even know that he was being held up in the air.

"I think I really like your hat, Barr. I think I'll keep it," Chase muttered looking over the hat like it was a new treasure.

Kevin couldn't even think straight, instead he stood up suddenly hoping to land at least one punch on the guy but it seemed like Chase read his mind and gave him a hard hit in the gut.

The red head was once again on the ground, this time gasping for air. Several members of the Baseball team stepped in, ready to fight.

Then the bell rung. And Chase gave them all a sneer before leaving with his two lackeys behind him.

Kevin felt rage boiled up inside of him. He couldn't hear his team mates asking him is he was alright, he couldn't hear the bell, or Nat, or even Nazz screaming still.

His hat was gone.


Time seemed to slow down at the school, but rumors where going as fast as ever. Kevin was in second place as student who wasn't seen without his hat.

Double D was clearly in first.

Every once in a while Kevin would leave it at home, if he knew something odd was going to happen at school. He had a gut feeling about these things and he was angry at himself for some how not sensing that this was going to happen.

He always took care of hit hat, no one else was even allowed to touch it. Hell he got so bad about it that the coach put it in a safe for him during practice, under lock and key.

Every night he would take it off, clean it a little and gently put it on his dresser.

Now he couldn't do that anymore. His hat was gone.

Why couldn't Chase take something else from him? His backpack, his shirt? His fucking pants for crying out loud! Kevin was willing to walk around the school in his boxers if it meant keeping his hat.

When first period ended he went out of his was to seek the much larger teen out, demanding it back.

"You want it back, huh? How bout a trade? You give me something equal to it and I'll give it back no prob." Chase said with a smirk.

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