Chapter 1

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"Lillian, wake up. Do you want to play or not?" Demetri asked, smacking my back.

"What the fuck Demetri, you sure know how to wake someone up!" He rolls his eyes at me. "And no, I think I'm just going to go home." Eli turns to look at me, concerned.

"What, why? Did we do something?" Eli asks me.

"Oh, no! I just have a lot of homework and a doctor's appointment in a couple of hours." It wasn't necessarily a lie, I just don't have it in me to tell him I was bored. I don't want to hurt his feelings. I mean, I literally fell asleep and besides, I'm basically third-wheeling here.

"What's with all the doctor's appointments?" Demetri asks, turning his head.

"Just checkups," I tell them. They don't know I'm sick. That makes me sound like a bitch, but I don't want to be treated differently because I have cancer and besides, I'm doing better, anyway. It's nothing to worry about.

"The normal person only gets one yearly Physical" Demetri says. That's the one thing about Demetri that makes him, well him, he's a know-it-all. "And you've had about a million"

"Yea well, are you a girl? I didn't think so. Mind your business," I say and he scoffs. He says something else that I'm unable to hear because of the scratch in my throat. When something like that happens, it's the only thing my brain focuses on. Blocks out everything and anything in sight.

"Eli, I'm just going to use your bathroom then head out" he nods and I walk out of his bedroom. I don't actually have to go to the bathroom. I just need to talk to his mom about something.

"Hey, Lillian. Do you need something?" Mrs. Moskowitz asks.

I force the cough out into a napkin, trying to get that itch to go away. Unfortunately, it never does it or just only goes away slightly. Blood overcomes the taste in my mouth, great.

"Oh, honey. How long has this been happening?" she asks, concerned, handing me another napkin. Mrs. Moskowitz is only of the few people who knows about me being sick. She's been friends with my mom for a long time so after my father left, she was always there to help my mom take care of me.

"Yesterday the coughs started getting worse. But today the blood started." My voice crackles. 

"Ok, sweetheart. I'll grab you a glass of water and call your mom," she walks into the kitchen grabbing a cup.

"Thank you, but I already have a doctor's appointment soon so I'll just let her know then." I pause. "Also, please don't tell Eli. I don't want him to worry."

She sighs, "Lillian, it's your decision, but I really think you should tell him. You need your friends by your side during something like this."

"He has enough going on already. And besides, it's nothing to worry about," I assure her. Eli comes walking into the kitchen.

I instantly pick up the dirty napkins and throw them into the trash.

"What's nothing to worry about?" he questions.

"Um, Lillian was just telling me about a big test she has this week. I was telling her I know she's going to do just fine on it," His mom says. "Now Eli, stop staring at us and go back to your room" She waves him off and he turns away confused.

"thanks" I mouth to her and make my way back to his bedroom.

"I'm going to head out, I'll see you guys later," I tell them.

"Text me when you get home so I know you're ok" Eli's signature thing, making sure I'm ok.

"Wait, Lillian! Can you take me home? Sorry Eli, mom just called and I need to make dinner" said Demetri. that's definitely a lie, We both know this boy doesn't help with anything, All he does is read comics.

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