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The sun was starting to cast a soft orange glow across the sky line as Y/n saw some smoke from what seemed to be coming from a... SMOKESTACK! This had to be it! The temperature was rapidly dropping as the sun was going down and Y/n was starting to feel the effects of the tundra biome that she was in. As Y/n got closer, the red arrow in the compass wasn't as steady anymore, instead it was shakily pointing in the same direction of the smoke. Not bothering to look at the compass anymore, Y/n had her horse start heading in the direction of the smoke even faster. 

Technoblade soon came outside to help Y/n. He put a lead on Y/n's horse and attached it to one of the fence posts of his horse stable. He grabbed Y/n's bag off of the back of the horse with ease compared to Nick.

"You can put him in with Carl." He said motioning for Y/n to put her horse in with his.

"Oh thanks." Y/n said as Technoblade walked off with her bag in hand into the house through a door that was right next to the small horse stable.

After Y/n was done putting her horse in with Carl, she went in through the same doors Technoblade did. To Y/n's suprise he was rummaging through the chest next to the bed that he had placed her bag on.

"Can I see your armor please? He asked with his head still in the chest. Reluctantly Y/n took off her armor and placed each peice on the bed, Technoblade carefully taking each peice and inspecting it with another. Sometimes he would take hers and put it into the chest while swapping it with another or putting the pieces back in the same places. When he was done, there was a variety of different pieces of armor on the bed.

"Sorry I just wanted to have the best armor for you." He said as he put all the armor into their supposed order.

"Oh thanks." You said as you looked at the armor.

"Just go up this ladder if you need anything. I'll be making dinner." He said as he started going up the ladder.

After a little while he called you up for dinner. You guys had chicken with golden carrots. Man he has good food. You thought as you dug into your food. After a while Technoblade broke the loud silence between you two.

"Tommorow we'll start. There's a few villages that we have to patrol that are near by. Make sure to dress warm though, the snow storms are starting to increase." He said as you finished your dinner. Outside it was well below zero, the small oven that tried to keep the room warm was slowly dying out and where you slept it was definitely going to be rough.

"Hey do you have any extra blankets?" You asked as Technoblade took your plate to the small sink underneath the window that overlooked the snow covered ground.

"Oh yeah." He said as he moved to the chest near a door that led to outside. He pulled out 5 for you, putting it on the table. "It's going to be a little chilly tonight, but this should do the trick. If you want I can move your bed up here tommorow?" He asked knowing how harsh the winter's can be out here, especially not sleeping near any warmth.

"Oh.. I mean-" you started thinking about how you would sort of invade his personal space before he cut you off.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said blatantly as he grabbed all of her blankets and took them down to her bed.

"Alright I guess I should head to bed." You said as you followed Technoblade down the ladder.

"Alright. Goodnight."

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