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"So how are you going to do this then?" Nick asked confused.

"Yeah you said you can't get rid of him." Your dad continued.

"I- dad?"

"Yes?" He replied confused.

"I think it's because of mom." You sighed, your stool screeching along the wooden floor as you stood up. "I'll be outside." You said coldly before dashing out the front door.

The air was warm and muggy from the rain that over passed. The sun barely in view as it set behind the barn. The dew on the grass sat there waiting for an answer.

It was clear that your father might look at Technoblade the wrong way now. All because he was the one that was causing your mother to come after you two.

There was a part of you that was scared for dear life, knowing that anyone around you could be betraying you. But another part of you knew that getting rid of her, once and for all would solve all your problems.

"Y/n.." you heard from behind you as you looked down at the grass.

"Techno I don't know what to do." You said frustrated.

"Let's go inside and talk to everyone okay?" He said softly searching for an answer in your eyes.

Nodding, you took his hand and you both walked back through the door.

"Alright so Nick, you're coming with us tommorow?" You asked, with a silent Technoblade by your side.

"Of course Y/n."

"Alright." Technoblade said reassuring you.

Nick, Technoblade, and Y/n headed upstairs to get ready for bed. They had a long journey ahead of them the next morning to go to the embassy where they would look for more information about Dream and Katherine.

"You need help Y/n?" Technoblade asked as he noticed Y/n having some trouble taking off her armor.

"Yea, if you could-" She started until Technblade undid the tight leather that geld the pieces of armor together.

"Thanks honey." Y/n said with a smile before their gaze between each other was cut off by Nick.

"Ew can you guys like not do that?" He said disgusted as he rolled over on his bed, facing his back to them.

"Whatever." Y/n said rolling her eyes earning a small chuckle from Technoblade and Nick.

The next morning the three got up fifteen before sunrise. They got their armor on, with their sharpened swords and headed off to the embassy as soon as the sun arose.

"Technoblade?" You heard from behind you.

"You can call me Techno, Nick."

"Okay." Nick said quietly. "Well I want to know how you and Y/n have been doing with the patrolling and stuff." He asked generally intrigued.

"I'd say it went good."



"What happened that didn't make it great?" Nick asked slightly being intrusive.

"Nick please we're almost there." You said quickly shutting him up.

You could sense Technoblades patience getting smaller and smaller with each passing second of your brother talking.

"Wow this place is nice." Technoblade said admiring the building as you all got off your horses to talk with Tommy and Tubbo.

Walking in first, you roamed the familiar halls and headed for your old friend Alex's office. Knocking on the door you heard shuffling from the other side of the door before it was opened.



The two of you hugged and you soon began asking about the two boys as Technoblade and Nick stood near.

"Where are Tommy and Tubbo?"

"They- they went to negotiate with Dream. Y/n." He said sadly with a nod.


"Y/n- I don't kn-"

"Y/N!" You heard from the door way by a familiar voice causing your head to turn.


"What are you doing here?" He asked concerned after seeing your reaction.

"I came looking for you." You smiled knowing that he was alright.

"Well Tubbo and I, put that bastard in prison." He said proudly.

"Oh my god Tommy." Tubbo said panting from behind Tommy.

"Thank God." You sighed happily, before remembering about your mother. "Wait what about-"

"We got Katherine too."

𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑙  | Technoblade X readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora