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"Y/N WAIT!" Nick yelled after her scrambling to slip on some shoes while she quickly strapped her bag in tightly.

"I'm sorry Nick."

"But Y/n, You didn't even tell us why?" He asked sympathetically after seeing her once glittering eyes turn into a dusty window that you couldn't communicate through anymore.

"I'll be back in two weeks." She said coldly as Nick approached her. Quickly getting on her horse she sped off, not wanting to say or hug Nick before it becomes more painful to watch them get further and further apart. From the person who she was closest to, spent her whole life with.

Truth was she didn't know how long it would take Technoblade to heal and recover but she wanted to be there the whole time.

For him.

For them?

Phil had managed to lead Y/n to a short cut that would save then a little more than half the time that it would've taken to go the other way.

Speeding through the trees, they were able to turn the once 4 hour trip into a 1 and a half hour trip. Once they got to the house Y/n started to take her bag off her horse before Phil stopped her. Taking it off for her so that she could see Technoblade.

She casually let herself in quietly, seeing an enderman like creature sitting in a chair next to Technoblade reading a book. He quickly stood up and walked over to Y/n to greet her.

"Ranboo. Y/n right?" He said as you both shook hands.

"Yea." You said getting impatient, this man getting in the way of you seeing Technoblade.

"Y/n?" You heard coming from behind Ranboo in a groggy voice.

"OH MY GOD Techno!" You said excitedly running past Ranboo to give Technoblade a light soft hug. He wrapped his arms around your neck trying to not complain about the pain that be was feeling in his whole body.

The potion was still having it's effects on his body a little bit. But Phil, Ranboo, and most importantly Y/n was there so he knew that he would be fine.

When Phil finally came inside after taking care of the horses and Y/n's bag he got to see Y/n and Technoblade so happy. This was the first time in a while that he had seen Technoblade soften up so much.

"Thank you so much for coming back." He mumbled into your ear, the low growl from his voice causing you to get butterflies.

"I was just about to leave anyways." You lied trying to make it seem like it wasn't such a big problem as you pulled away from him giving him his space once again. "How you feeling?" You asked trying to change the subject.

"Better I guess." He shrugged trying to play it off like Y/n coming back early wasn't such a big deal to him. He missed her presence in the house. It had gotten colder and lonlier by the hour once she left, but now that she came back. It was almost like a sudden warmth and happiness of the sun came back.

She was the sun.

To his moon.

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