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"Thanks for moving my bed up here Technoblade." Y/n said happily as she put her blankets from the chest that used to be by her bed on her bed for tonight.

"Not a problem. Also you can call me Techno if that's easier for you." Techno said from the small dining table with his head still in the large book about mythology.

"Ohhh so we're on nickname basis now?" Y/n said in a somewhat flirtatious tone with a smirk on her face only getting a cold glare from a Technoblade. "It was a joke." Y/n said in response hiding the fear in her voice this time getting a little snort from him. "What?" Y/n asked confused.

"You just looked so scared." He said with a chuckle and smirk as he shook his head not even taking the chance to look at Y/n, Technoblade already knowing that Y/n was flustered by his bold comment.

"W-what?" Y/n asked, trying him again since she never ever saw this part of Technoblade.

"You heard what I said." Technoblade said cold and flatly as he looked up to meet Y/n's eyes through his cracked round glasses.

After that the room stayed in silence as Y/n and Technoblade got into their beds ready to go to sleep. Technoblade kept reading his book by the candlelight from his nightstand while Y/n tried to get warm in her bed.

Damn he is being BOLD today. Dominant, yet flirtatious? What the hell. Just go to sleep Y/n.  You thought to yourself as you snuggled into the blankets that were way warmer than the night before.

I hope that really got into Y/n's head. That was kinda funny, being able to toy with her feelings. I mean Y/n has helped me laugh more... I guess. Wait no. That's bad. No. Techno. No. I need to stop esing up on her. Technoblade's intrusive thought caused him to shut his book forcefully causing a clap to ring through the room. Y/n jumping a little in response as Technoblade pinched the wick of the candle, resulting in it going out. The only light now coming from the fireplace.

"Good night Techno!" Y/n said enthusiastically after noticing that Technoblade put out the candle only earning a small hum and shuffling from Technoblade's side of the room.

By the next morning, Technoblade had already woken up and refuled the fire for the 4th time since Y/n had went to sleep so they didn't freeze to death. He was making breakfast for the two of them, knowing how Y/n liked her bread from just yesterday. When the time came around, he woke her up from underneath the large mountain of blankets on top of Y/n. By the time Y/n had awoken, Technoblade was already halfway done with his breakfast.

"That's why you were worried yesterday?" Y/n asked as she took a bite of her bread.

"Yes I was worried that the person I had worked so hard to bring over, would've died in less than 24 hours of you being here." Technoblade said in response as he waited for Y/n to finish her breakfast since they had some time until the day started.

"Why did I look that bad?" Y/n asked confused of what Technoblade was so worried about.

"Yes? You were as pale as a ghost when I went to wake you up yesterday, thats why I had to keep waking up to keep the fire alive." He said trying to explain himself of him being a little tired this morning.

"I thought you were the 'blood god' since when did you ever start to care about me?" You asked wanting to know why and how Technoblade was being so nice to you, compared to the merciless acts out on the battle field.

"Who said I wasn't?" Technoblade said as he crossed his arms firmly across his chest before thinking,

I always cared about you Y/n, since you spared me in the battle.

first authors note! What are you all thinking about the styles that I write my stories in? More settings from older times, or present? More reader x character or oc x character? Suggest some stuff please! I might start a new book?? Thank you!!

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