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Three day have passed, and Y/n was starting to get the hang of Technoblades schedule as well as learning many things about him. He was apparently an anarchist which kind of explained why he didn't really like the government system.

He also had quite a soft spot for his father though who wasn't around as much even though he lived next door. Y/n had only met the man once which was on her third day staying with Technoblade.

This was the same man who took Technoblade from the battle field and used disappeared after throwing an ender pearl.

However there were only one more day until Y/n could go home to visit her family for the weekend, which was something that she had promised to her brother. Just the thought of it was making Y/n smile with joy, not realizing that Technoblade was staring at her weirdly.

"What seems to be putting you in such a good mood?" He asked seriously as he was sat up in his bed reading his same Greek  mythology book, most nearing the end of it already.

"Oh I'm just excited for tomorrow!" You started after he got your attention. "I get to go visit my brother and dad!" You said enthusiastically as Technoblade just nodded, not looking up from his book with his round glasses perched perfectly on his nose.

Gosh that was just another thing that Y/n was attracted to, Technoblade wearing his broken, round glasses. They framed his face perfectly among his hair that he always puts into a braid every night. Along with him quietly reading his book it was something that Y/n had just found attractive, even though she hadn't really known what she was attracted to since the only other men she knew where her brother and father and they were always cooped up in a house together for pretty much their entire lives.

"Alright I- I'm going to sleep." You said as you closed the book you were reading. Technoblade had lent you one for you to read while you were there, which is something that you appreciated. "Good night Techno!" You said enthusiastically as you repositioned your body, facing your back to the fire place to get away from the light.

"Good night Y/n." He said with a soft chuckle after seeing how eager you were to see your family tomorrow. After about 10 minutes he couldn't take it anymore after noticing his eyes were starting to close after a long day. He soon gave in and put his book mark in between the slightly yellow pages, and put out the candle by pinching it between his calloused fingers. 

What is going on? It's so early for me to be going to sleep. It's only 10:23, and tomorrow I don't have to get up until 5:30. Technoblade thought confused as he turned on his side to fall asleep. Y/n has been such a big influence on me lately, not that it's a bad thing but... I should be the one taking initiative. Yea, I need to stop letting her grow on me.

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