Ouran Highschool host club fanfic- A new beginning! Chapter 5~

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(I'm sorry for the lateness :c I hope this chapter makes up for it. Ah, angst D;)

"Emiri, there isn't anything wrong that I can see" the nurse looked at her worryingly.
"Are you sure? Can you take a blood test?" Emiri tried to not let the panic rise up in her throat.
"Emiri," the nurse laughed quietly. "You don't need a blood test, it's probably just a cold"
Emiri heaved a sigh of a mixture of relief and frustration.
It couldn't just be a cold. Could it? Her throat stung from coughing, and when she did excersizes her chest would feel so tight...

"My advice? Take it easy for a couple days" the family nurse, Risa, peeled off her gloves noisily and wrote something down on a piece of paper.
"Here's a medical certificate" Emiri was handed the paper.
"But I have stuff to do" she whined. She had promised she'd go hiking with Felix, but it looked like those plans were bust now.
"No but's, Emiri. Your father pays me good money to keep you well and that's exactly what I'll do" Risa patted her head.
"Give it a couple of days"
"Yeah yeah"
"So the hiking is off?" Felix tried not to let the disappointment in his words show.
"Yeah, I'm sorry" Emiri lay on her bed on her side, talking into her phone.
"Risa said I have to rest, and my dad would get mad if I went against that" she mumbled.
"No, no! It's fine, really! I think it was going to rain anyway..." Felix tried to make her feel better about the whole thing, but to no avail.

"I just feel bad. I was looking forward to it" her voice had a slightly whiney tone to it, which only made Felix chuckle.
"Me too. I guess I'll just go with friends" he sounded distant, like he was away from the phone.
"oh, which friends?"
"Just..friends." He hesitated.
"You're being quite..secretive about that" Emiri say up slightly, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Oh, uh, no I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"I am?"
"Yes, you are" her voice had a sharp undertone.
He scoffed.
"Don't be like that Emiri." He bitterly shot back, quite hurt at her insinuations.

Suddenly, pain engulfed her chest, like she was set on fire. Agonising pain seared through her veins as she tried to scream, although the screams came out as a harsh squeak.
She felt like a star collapsing onto itself . Reaching over, she managed to tap the 'maid's assistance' button before her vision clouded and she thudded onto the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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