Ouran High School Host Club Chapter 5~

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Chapter Five~

Yuka felt happy the next day as she walked into school. Everything seemed balanced. Her and Hikaru were now back to normal. Kaoru was getting extra attention from the girls with his broken leg. What a drama queen. Yuka thought rolling her eyes and she strolled in past them.

Today, she was going to breakup with Kei, she had too. But her stomach had butterflies, and she felt sick at the slight thought of it. Her palms would go sweaty, and her chest would feel tight. Why was this happening to her? She knew she didn't feel that way for Kei anymore, could it be guilt? Could she feel bad for leading Kei along like this? She sighed, yes that was it.

She felt bad for being with Hikaru behind his back.

Yuka walked through the halls, until she spotted two people, at first she thought it was two friends talking, but as she neared, she identified it as kei, and another girl in her class, Chiyako, kissing! Yuka stood there, unable to breath, shaking with anger. She had convinced herself she was the bad person! That she had been unfaithful to Kei! But it was the complete opposite.

When Kei saw her, he jumped up.

"Yeah, so could you take care of that for me?" He tried to lie to make it look innocent. Even Chiyako looked confused.

"Oh please, save it for someone who's stupid enough to believe that, we're over, for real this time" Yuka snapped, walking away. This time, Kei didn't chase after her, he didn't follow her begging for forgiveness, it hit Yuka hard, and she ran into the courtyard crying. In her head, she thanked the Kami she was early today, as there was no one around to see her crying.

She stumbled over to a tree, where she sat down and hugged her knees tightly. She thought about how stupid she had been, how could she not have noticed it earlier? Kei and Chiyako mysteriously disappearing hadn't triggered anything that they could be together, no she had convinced herself Kei wouldn't do something like that.

"But I was wrong" Yuka whispered to herself.

"I was so wrong" She said, louder.

"But you're right every other time" A voice pierced the silence, as it's owner came into view.

Hikaru sat beside her, slinging an arm around her shoulders. She was too upset to push him away.

"So you saw, huh?" She said, wiping her nose on the back of her sleeve.

"Just enough to see that he was with Chiyako" He said, gently.

"Go away, I don't want you to see me cry" She said, turning her head away from him stubbornly.

"I'm not going anywhere, not while you're upset" He said, just as stubbornly.

"you're so persistent, it's excruciatingly annoying sometimes you know that?" Yuka said, raising an eyebrow.

"So I've been told" Hikaru chuckled. Yuka rolled her eyes, he was impossible sometimes.

"You stopped crying" He said with a smirk. Yuka put her hand on her cheek, so she had.

"C'mon, let's go to the club" He said, standing up, offering his hand to her. She took it and let him help her up. They walked to the club , hand in hand.

-A Few weeks Later-

At the host club, she felt, wanted.

As if they liked her being around, hey liked her company. She had to agree she loved theirs. The prince, was so quirky, and she teased him sometimes by calling him princess. Kyouya was quiet, and oblivious to the fact of Miharu crushing on him, though he would always remain polite, making her blush every time he talked to her.

Hunny was still just as cute as ever, he had realised the more things he said that was cute, the more girls would squirm in their seats and think he was cute. Mori was always close by, watching every movement. He watched cautiously every time the girls touched Hunny, or picked him up, to give him a hug. Kaoru's leg was still in a thick plaster, which he used to his advantage, his request rates had almost doubled and he was always busy. Hikaru, her boyfriend now, tended not to flirt with the girls as much as he used to. He considered it cheating in a way. How ridiculous, many times had Yuka stated she didn't care if he flirted, but he had made his mind up.

Kei, had completely ignored Yuka since that day she founds him with Chiyako. But she couldn't have cared less. She had all she needed, she didn't need anyone, or anything else.

"Yuka-Chan!" Hunny slid his way into her thoughts, pulling her from her daydream.

"Oh, yes Hunny?" She looked at Hunny, who has spilt tea all down his front.

"Oh Hunny, how did you do that?" Yuka said, standing up quickly, looking for Mori.

"It was an accident" He said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh, no please don't cry Hunny! I'll clean it up…" After she cleaned it up, she realised she had been played.

"Hmm, so it does work" Hunny said, smiling.

"What works?" Yuka said, confused.

"That if I cry, people feel bad for me" He said with a giggle. How smart! Yuka had been so moved by his tears,  it hadn't crossed her mind what she was doing. Hunny went and got changed into a spare uniform.

Hikaru walked over to her.

"You fell into the trap set by Hunny-Sempai, I'm surprized you fell for that" he said, chuckling devilishly.

"He's so cute though, I didn't think his innocent brain could make such, devilish plans" She said, not realising Hikaru pulling her into a warm embrace.

"Hmm, I think you need to be more observant" he said, resting his chin on top of her head.

"And I think you need to get back to your job!" She said smartly. He chuckled and walked back to Kaoru. Yuka sat back down.

"What am I going to do with him?" She laughed, shaking her head.

"Oops…" She turned to see Hunny pouring tea onto the floor. She wasn't going to fall for this again. Oh! But he's starting to cry..!

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