Ouran High School Host Club ~ After Story Chapter 3~

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A few weeks later.

Yuka has been away sick for the last 2 days, to Hikaru's dismay. 

He had been worried about her the entire time, yet she told him not to worry over the phone.

He was on his way to see her on a hot Tuesday afternoon, Kaoru had accompanied him just because he wasn't busy.

Hikaru tapped lightly on the front door, to which it opened immediately.

"Hello Mr Hitachiin" The maid said, she spoke quietly. Hikaru was kind of confused, but requested to see Yuka anyway.

"I'm sorry Mr Hitachiin, a doctor is seeing to her at the moment" She lowered her eyes to the floor. Hikaru felt his heart jump in his chest.

"Is she okay!?" He demanded.

"She'll be fine Mr Hitachiin, I think it's best you leave before someth-" She was cut off by Yuka's father putting a hand on her shoulder to silence her. He looked livid.

"Hikaru Hitachiin, just the man I wanted to see"  He didn't sound at all pleased that Hikaru was there.

"uh...Uhm, yes sir" Hikaru was automatically nervous.

What had he done that could infuriate Yuka's dad so violently?

"You are in for some explaining to do" He said through tight lips.

Yuka appeared behind them, Hikaru smiled at her, but his smile soon faltered as he got an impression of teary eyes and a red face.

"Hikaru-Kun" She whispered. Hikaru shot a glance at Yuka's dad, sort of asking permission to hug her. He nodded and Hikaru had Yuka in his arms within seconds.

"What's wrong? Please tell me…" She buried her face into his chest.

"I-I'm pregnant" Her words knocked the breath out of Hikaru.

"P-Please tell me this is a joke!?" He ordered, looking into her eyes. Her tears said otherwise.

"It is not" Her dad said through tight lips.

Hikaru gulped, Yuka's father was not at all a friendly looking man.

He looked about ready to kill Hikaru, but that risked getting the carpets dirty.

"I-I don't know what to say" Hikaru was stunned, Kaoru, whom was still behind his brother, was just as shocked.

"Hikaru?" Yuka's quiet voice piped up.

"Y-yeah?" He asked shakily.

"Are you going to leave me?" her words struck him, almost silent.

"Of course not sweetheart" He sugar coated his words.

 And her dad gave an approving grunt.

"Besides, graduation is very soon, so I don't think anyone will be able to tell for a few more months yet" Kaoru offered his opinion.

"I guess" She sniffled, and held him tighter.

"Everything will be okay, I promise" Then Yuka's little twin brothers, Hiroshi and Naoko, bounded into view.

"Yuka's been sick lately" Hiroshi started.

"Are you here to make her better?" Naoko added. Hikaru nodded once. The boys stared up at him un unnervingly.

Hikaru realised how everyone else must feel when they go all 'twin' on people.

Kaoru sensed it too and had a sudden urge to leave, as if they weren't welcome there.

"I have a feeling I should leave" Kaoru backed up.

"No, you are the other half of Hikaru, I want you to stay" Yuka pleaded.

Kaoru nodded and was let inside.

Yuka's father sighed.

"How could you be so careless, my Yuka?" Her dad sighed.

"I'm sorry papa" She sniffled, starting to cry again. Hikaru held her tighter. What was he to do? He was to be a father. Hopefully a good one…

Yuka's dad spoke up.

"Hikaru, I don't believe we've been formally introduced, my name is Iaichi" He spoke.

"I'm Hikaru Hitachiin"

"I know who you are"


"Yuka talks about you non-stop"

"Really now?"


"Hm" Hikaru found this flattering in a way.

"What are we going to do Hikaru?" Yuka's voice piped up.

"Well, the only thing we can do. Be good parents" She nodded and he kissed her forehead lovingly.

She smiled and even Iaichi smiled a little. But it soon disappeared when Yuka's mother, Kizumi walked in, face solemn.

"Hikaru! How lovely to see you!" She cupped his face with her hands motherly.

"How are you, dear?" She seemed happy, even though he had gotten her daughter pregnant…

"Oh, uhm Hello. I'm fine, and you?" He tried not to stutter.

"Oh I'm wonderful" She smiled warmly. Hikaru was taken aback, the women was glowing.

"I'm so very happy to add you to the family Hikaru-Kun!" She embraced him and Yuka as well.



"I-I didn't expect that"

"Why not?"

"I thought you were going to tear me apart"

"Oh of course not Hikaru! Yuka's a big girl and she can make her own decisions!"


"My first grandchild" Hikaru smiled at this.

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