Ouran High School Host Club Chapter 3~

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Chapter Three-

Yuka slowly stirred her tea as Hunny talked to her. But she wasn't listening. Not even for a second. She was too confused, too deep in thought to take any notice. Hikaru. Had he really done that?. Or did she dream it?. She couldn't be sure. She sighed. He hasn't acted differently, maybe she should just forget about it? Maybe he was just joking around or it was an accident?...

"Yuka-Chan?....Yuka-Chan?!" Hunny's impatient voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh..uhm yes?" She replied.

"You weren’t listening to me" The blonde pouted.

"I was, I was just thinking which cake we should eat next" She lied.

"Oh, and we should eat the chocolate one!" he yelled with enthusiasm. Yuka laughed and nodded. Kaoru came and sat next to you as Hunny went to get the cake.

"So, you kissed Hikaru?" Kaoru said with a chuckle.

"Why you jealous?" It came out meaner than she'd meant it. Kaoru looked bitter.

"hey, I was just joking around.." He said, offended. Yuka sighed.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I'm just really confused"  Yuka hugged her knees.

"…he really likes you, you know…" He said, smiling a little. Yuka looked at him.

"Really?..."  Kaoru nodded , and looked at her surprized face.

"I can't believe you didn't notice!" He said, chuckling devilishly. Yuka sat there, shocked. It had never occurred to her that he could like her. She was to wound up in the night of the party to come to that conclusion that he could actually like her. Why else would eh kiss her like that!? Especially when he knew Kei could find out….that Kei would find out.

"Do you like him back?..." Kaoru's nervous voice interrupted her thoughts. Did she? She could actually call it that? She undeniably had feelings for him, but was it really like that? Another person interrupted her thoughts rudely.  Miharu, her best friend plopped herself down onto the couch beside her.

"This place is way too big!" She said, her eyes filled with amazement.

"I think we can finish our discussion later" Kaoru said with a fake smile as he stood up, "I'll see you later" As he walked off, Miharu kicked her legs happily.

"What was that all about?" She asked, confused.

"Don't worry!" Yuka said, almost too quickly."Kaoru was just having a chat to me because...uhm because" Damn, she hadn't thought about her actual excuse. Damn, she was taking too long, Miharu was defiantly suspicious  by now. Yuka sighed.

"It's nothing.." Yuka said, affectively ending the conversation. Miharu figured this and dropped the conversation.

"This place is awesome.." She said, grabbing a cupcake off the table and peeling away the patty paper.

"Yeah" Yuka replied short, so she could go back to day dreaming. Kyouya appeared in front of the two ladies before she could.

"Is there anything I can get for you two ladies?" He asked with a smile. Miharu stared at him absent minded until  Yuka elbowed her gently.

"No Kyouya, we're fine thank-you" Yuka said with a reassuring smile. Miharu snapped out of it.

"Uhm, no we're uh-we're..ah fine thank-you Kyouya-sempai" Miharu stuttered, Yuka looked at her. What was with Miharu today? Kyouya just smiled at her nervousness and chuckled.

"Are you alright? Miharu-Chan?" He asked, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly.

"Uhm, no I'm fine…" Miharu said, looking down to her lap, to hide her reddening face. Yuka giggled quietly.

"Alright, but can I interest you ladies in some-" Kyouya went on about magazines and merchandise, but Yuka could be positive that Miharu wasn't listening to a word. Yuka smiled on the inside, she could tell Miharu was forming a crush on Kyouya, but would she really let her friend date someone like Kyouya?

Yuka looked at Kyouya as he spoke, sure he was gorgeous, like the rets of them. But he also had a reputation of being rude, and not very fun. Like at the party, after their dance he had completely blocked out the rest of the part and worked on things for the club. This club was going to be the death of him.

~~After school~~

Yuka walked towards the front of the school with Kei. He didn't smash things on their way, so he mustn't have found out about Hikaru kissing her.

"Hikaru kissed me"  Yuka thought, blushing as she looked at the ground.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Kei asked, dampening her mood.

"Nothing for you to worry about Kei" Yuka sighed. Kei stopped walking abruptly.

"Well, I have to go a different way today, I'll see you later" He said, stepping towards her for a kiss. Yuka wondered if she should. If she refused he would know something was up, so she let him pull her into a tight embrace.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hikaru, standing motionless his mouth contorted into an undeniable frown, before  he stormed off. Yuka felt her heart sink into her chest.

"Well, see you.." Kei said, walking off. Yuka felt like she couldn't breathe. Why should she care though?! Hikaru kissed her, that didn't mean she had feelings for him. She sighed. But she did, she felt so strongly for him, she just couldn't deny it, it made her chest feel tight and her legs wobbly, as if her brain was trying to punish her for trying to stop these feelings for him. She felt tears sting her eyes. They way he looked at her, the look of disgust. She felt a small hand on her shoulder, and she turned, looking at the person through her tears.

Miharu stood before her with a grim smile.

"C'mon, let's go home.." Miharu placed her hand in the middle of Yuka's back and led her out of the school. She obviously saw what happened. Yuka felt miserable. She went home and cried herself to sleep.

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