Ouran High School Host Club Chapter 2~

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Chapter Two-

Yuka sat on the comfy chair in the host club room, drinking expensive tea. Hikaru kept looking at her every few seconds, she could feel it on the back of her neck. Numerous times did she glance around, to see if he was, she caught him, every time. He always gave her a cheeky smile and then looked away. She wondered how red her blush was.

Hunny sat on her lap, eating cake, not missing a single crumb. Yuka smiled at his cuteness. Could he really be 18?...Was it even possible?...He was so short, yet the eldest in the host club. She glanced around, to find Mori watching Hunny protectively. Yuka wondered what he was thinking? The blonde shifted on her lap to look at her.

"Would you like some cake Yuka-Chan?" He said, smiling wide. She couldn't help but smile too. Yuka nodded as he shoved a piece of cake into your mouth. He giggled. She laughed too, then choked a bit.

"Mitsukuni, be polite" Mori warned.

When Yuka finally swallowed the piece of cake, Hunny had run off too prepare more tea. Yuka looked around the room. It was the afternoon, and the hosts had finished their requests for today, so it was just them and her. Kei had been furious that Yuka had accepted their invitation. She had made up with Kei, she couldn't quite figure out why though, maybe she still liked him?...She shook her head. No, she defiantly didn't. not after what happened in the nurses office. Yuka sighed. Kei had been even more overprotective than usual, he almost beat up Hikaru yesterday. She had had a nightmare about it last night, it was still fresh in her mind.


Hikaru was talking to her about Math, asking her if she could explain something for him. She had been happy too. But Kei walked up to Hikaru, and slammed him against the lockers.

"Leave her alone, she doesn't want anything to do with you, so back off!" He had growled. Yuka had slapped Kei as hard as she could.

"Stop making my decisions for me!" She had yelled so loud, it had attracted attention, and everyone in the passing hallway had stopped to watch this dramatic scene. Hikaru had pushed past Kei, and smiled weakly at Yuka.

"Forget it, I can get someone else to help me.." he said, walking away in shame. Yuka had been furious. She yelled at Kei for another half hour before she let him go, and even yelling at him on the way home. Kei had been apologetic. So she forgave him.


Yuka sighed and hit her forehead with a slap. What was she thinking? She must be insane to have taken him back a second time. She felt weighed down. Hikaru and Kaoru sat down on the couch without her realising, one on either side.

"Whatcha' thinking about?" Kaoru said, flirtatiously.

"Nothing.." Yuka said, blushing a deep red.

"I think she was thinking about us, Kaoru" Hikaru said with a wink.

"What?! NO it's not like that!" She said, a bit too fast. The twins looked at each other and started laughing.

"We're only messing with you Yuka" Hikaru said, chuckling.

"..oh…." Damn, they played her. Like a violin. Yuka scowled.

"You guys really suck you know that?" She said angrily.

"You love us!" They both said in unison. They couldn't have been more right. Yuka blushed. Damn them…

Tamaki walked into the music room.

"Listen up everyone, I have a great new idea for the host club!" Everyone turned to look at him.

"The theme will be 'fancy'! We shall also hold a banquet for our lovely ladies! Us host member would dress up in a waiters outfit. And serve our lovely ladies!" he said. Yuka had to admit, it was a pretty good idea. The rest of the hosts agreed.


Everything was shining beautifully, you could even see your reflection in the spoons, clearly too. Yuka was in awe. The place looked amazing. The hosts looked absolutely divine in their tuxedo waiters outfits. Especially Hikaru, his cheeky smile making the ultimate outfit. Kaoru looked the same, but there was just something exciting about Hikaru that she just couldn't put her finger on!

There was a string quartet playing and many of the girls looked like they were having a good time. Hunny was dancing with some girls cutely, and so was Mori. Tamaki was entertaining the ladies as they sat on the couches. And Kyouya was writing something down. Damn, that guy could never take a break could he? Hikaru was suddenly in front of her.

"You want anything?" he said, smiling.

"No, I'm fine.."  Yuka said, admiring his clothes. Hikaru looked down and smiled.

"Tamaki really went all the way with these designs hey?" he said, chuckling.

"I really like them" She said, fixing up his collar. He blushed.

"Hikaru, are you blushing?" She asked.

"No, you're seeing things….it's the lights…." he said, walking away, embarrassed.

Yuka laughed and went to look for Kyouya, to make sure that guy wasn't such a loner. When you finally found him, you convinced him to dance with you. He was a terrific dancer, her led of course, Yuka couldn't dance to save herself. He seemed to enjoy the sudden interruption. But the song soon ended.

"Thank-you for your time Madam, it was very enjoyable" he said with a smile and a bow before walking off.

"He'd better not go back sit down" She said chuckling.

She walked out onto the balcony to get away from it all for a few minutes. When she was just about to go back in, she felt gentle hands on her waist. She turned around, surprized.

"Did I scare you?" Hikaru said, chuckling. Yuka shoved his hands off her.

"Don't, you know what'll happen if Kei found out…" Yuka said, almost scared.

"He's not here, we refused him" Hikaru said with a smirk, "As fi he'd come here anyway, he hates the Host Club" Yuka nodded.

"I guess so…"..She said, biting her bottom lip, "But still…" Hikaru sighed.

"Listen, I don't c are fi you're dating him, I don't care if he kills me for this, but.." He stopped.

"Kills you for what?" She had only got up to 'Kills you" before Hikaru had leaned in and kissed her. Yuka's eyes widened. He eventually leaned away, smiled and went back in and joined the party.

"Holy mother of baby Jesus…" Yuka said, shocked, "Did he really just...kiss me?.."

Ouran High School Host Club Fan-Fiction~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu