Ouran High School Host Club Fan-Fiction~ Chapter 3: A new beginning!

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Felix smiled warmly.
"Yeah, a date. How about it?"

Emiri blushed a deep scarlet.
"Uh, well...I'll have to see..I mean...you'll have to ask my parents..but then you'd probably have to meet them....and you don't want to do that. You really don't" Emiri felt herself roll her eyes involuntarily at that last part.

Hikaru would get to know him inside-out. By the end of the night, her dad would know more about this cute guy than she did.

"Why not?' The corner of his mouth tilted down ever so slightly into a pout.

"My parents are embarrassing. My dad would put you on the spot a lot.."

"So? I'd finally get to meet the 'rents after all this time!" He laughed a little, flicking his hair out of his eyes as the sea breeze so rudely flicked his hair.

He looked so cute.

Emiri found herself smiling 

"Hmm..okay okay. But don't freak out. Because my dad's so..different"

"I won't freak out. I've handled crazy dads before"


He really could handle himself.

Emiri and Yuka sat on the over sized soft sofa as they observed the two converse.

Feliz helf a cup of lemonade in one hand, and was pointing on a world map Hikaru had hung up on the wall, at all the places Feliz dreamed to visit.

"But y'know, you cna't go past Italy. I've always wanted to go there, y'know?"

"We have 3 holiday homes and a hotel there, we could certainly get you free accomodation if you went!" Hikaru replied excitedly.

Emiri coudln't believe it!

It was like they were old friends!

Yuka smiled a little at how boyish her husband was acting.

"And I can't wait for the schools to be finished building in Indonesia. Now that was an amazing idea" Hikaru smiled over at Emiri, who avoided the glance. That one had been her idea.

Felix followed Hikaru's gae and set his eyes upon Emiri. It was her idea? Wow. 

"It's getting rather late" Yuka started.

"What? But I have so much more to show him" Hikaru pouted boyishly.

Emiri and Yuka both shared a giggle at his childishness.

"It's 11:43pm"

"Oh" Felix ran a hand through his hair" I guess I should get back to my house and check out the damage.

"Go on and show him to the door, Emiri" Yuka suggested. No. More like insisted.

Emiri shyly walked Felix to the front door.

"Seems like you've got my dad wrapped around your finger, huh?"

Felix laughed that incredible laugh.

"It would seem so. Anyway I should really go. Thanks for inviting me over" He smiled a toothy grin.

"Heh. You're welcome" Emiri felt so embarrassed. There wasn't anywhere for him to look, but at her! She felt hot under his gaze.

"Can I come over tomorrow?"

Emiri blushed more and looked up at him through her lashes.

"If...If you really want to"

"Of course I do"

"My dad will be just as energetic"

"I'll be sure to get lots of sleep then" He grinned, the corners of his mouth turning upwards deliciously. 

"Good, then" Emiri let herself smile slightly "In that case, I bid you goodnight" Emiri went to close the door, but Felix hand reached out to cover hers.

HIs warm lips suddenly envelopped her own and a surprised sound made its way from her throat.

Felix was quick to pull away.

"I-I'm sorry..god, I'm so sorry" Felix ran his hand through his hair.

Emiri stood in shock.

"U-uh...I...w-what..?" She managed to splurt out, incoherently. 

"Heh...sorry...I thought it was a good time and-" Emiri cut him off by kissing his cheek.

"Go home. You have a house to clean up. If there is a house standing at all" She joked, a small smile at the corner of her mouth.

Felix smiled.

"Cya tomorrow then"

Felix turned and walked into the night.

Emiri released a breath she hadn't even realised she'd been holding. Wow. What's going on with me?


I'm so sorry for this chapter being like...a year late XD i'm sure no one is even reading this anymore. Anyway i really, really am going to start writing again. I have a laptop now :3 So excited~ Anyway let me know what you think~ <3

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