Ouran High School Host Club After-Story

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Chapter 1 of After story-

1 and a half years Later-

Hikaru sat in the host club before school. They were all seniors now. Their last year of school. It was already half way through the term, and they were anxiously awaiting graduation. He and Yuka still remained together.

Kaoru, who sat on the opposite side of the couch, was thinking in a much more different direction.

Kyouya had finally given into to Miharu's requests for him to date her. But since then, he had actually started to like her. But he would always make sure that the important Host Club information and things would come first. He tried to remain professional at all times.

Hunny and Takashi had Graduated a year ago, but they all seemed to stay in touch.

Things seemed so different now.

Haruhi had since grown her hair a bit, which seemed popular with the ladies. They had all joked about it, saying that soon she would be figured out, Yuka had spotted that Haruhi was really a girl at first glance.

"So, Haruhi, tell me what kind of girls are you into?" Yuka had had Haruhi in her grips, trying to make her tell Yuka that she really was a girl, even though Yuka knew very well she was.

"Oh, uhm well…" Yuka had her there.

"Or, is it that you are a girl yourself?" Haruhi got it then.

"Oh, so you know, huh?" She said, not at all embarrassed.

"Yep, it's so easy to spot" Yuka said, sipping her  tea.

"No one else has" Haruhi said, glancing around.

"That's because I have 2 brothers, I know how boys act Haruhi, and you're pretty far from it" Yuka said, laughing.

"Oh, and I thought I was doing a good job too" Haruhi laughed with her.

"So, if you need someone to just spend 'girl-time' with, I'm here" Yuka said, smiling.

'I really appreciate that Yuka" Haruhi smiled, sipping her tea as well.

Those days seemed so distant, as if erased by an invisible force of come sort.

But these memories would never be forgotten nor completely erased.

Kaoru opened the door, after hearing it being knocked on.

And in walked Natsuki. Kaoru's girlfriend. Hikaru had been thrilled that Kaoru had finally had the nerve to ask her out, to which she obviously said yes to.

"Thank-you" Natsuki said, walking over to the couch, and sitting down quietly.

"Hikaru, Yuka would be on her plane by now, would she not?" Natsuki asked, picking up a delicate tea cup.

"Yes, she would" he said dreamily, staring out the window. Yuka was on a plane trip back home from France, where she had been studying abroad for 6 months. She had made sure to call him every night, just to hear his voice from the phone.

He had been so proud of her, yet he missed her dearly. He could hardly wait until she came home.

"She must be very well educated now, does she speak French?"

"Mais oui" [Yes, of course] Hikaru replied smugly.

"Intéressant"[Interesting] Natsuki laughed.

Kyouya walked in.

"I hope you all haven't just been sitting around there's work to be done." Kyouya said, with a put on smile, then his eyes trailed to Natsuki "Except for you madam, you may remain in your seat, the twins have work to do" he bowed lightly and walked off. Hikaru and Kaoru smirked at each other.

"Trust him to give us the jobs" The started pushing chairs around, and setting up tables of tea and things. Haruhi was away spending time with her dad today. Tamaki had been furious.

Miharu walked through the open doors and over to the twins.

"Anything I can help with?" She smiled.

"Oh, Miharu, a pleasure for you to join us this morning, and no their alright" He glanced at the twins. They rolled their eyes and kept moving things.

Tamaki arrived.

"Good morning homosexual supporting cast!" He greeted smugly. The twins tackled him.

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