Ouran High School Host Club Chapter 4~

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Chapter Four-

The next day, Yuka pretended to be sick so she could avoid school, avoid him. She must've really hurt Hikaru. But, it wasn't her problem really...what he saw was something he knew was going on, it's not like he didn't know she had a boyfriend. No, Hikaru knew all too well she did, that's the reason Kei had acted so violently towards him.

Yuka sighed, what was she to do? Act normal as if nothing had happened? Or try to apologise? She bit her lip, she was so confused. Then a maid walked in, Yuka dipped her head quickly underneath the soft linen.

"Miss, how are you feeling?" The maid asked, pouring her a glass of water. Yuka watched as the small drips of condensation quickly raced each other down the side of the cup.

"The same" Yuka said, trying to sound sick. The maid hummed softly as she laid a cold washer against Yuka's forehead.

"No, I don't want it" Yuka said, pushing it away. The maid mumbled her apologies and walked out quickly, leaving the pitcher of water on her bed side table.


That night, Yuka had made her 'startling recovery' and had joined them for dinner. Her twin brothers, Hiroshi and Naoko , reminding her of Hikaru and Kaoru, sat next to each other, eating in perfect unison. They were perfectly in sync with everything they did, when working on school assignments, they wouldn't even have to talk about it, they would do the exact same assignment in some classes too, and were often called to the principal for 'copying' each others tests, but it wasn't like that, not at all. It was quiet until Hiroshi spoke up.

"Today, we had a surprize test" He started.

"And?" Their mother, Kizumi, questioned.

"We were surprized" they both said. Again, it was in perfect unison, followed by a bell like sounding laughter, sending a shiver up Yuka's spine. Her parents laughed heartily at the boys joke.

"That joke is so old" Yuka said, rolling a few peas around on her plate with her fork, "We've all heard it before" She finished. Their father, Iaichi, cleared his throat loudly.

"Well,...uhm…" Yuka stood up.

"I'm going to bed early, please excuse me" Yuka pushed her chair back, the chair legs skidding loudly against the cold marble as she walked to her room, maids quickly surrounded where she had sat, cleaning it up in a matter of seconds, then when leaving, it looked like no one had sat there at all, Might as well have not been sitting there at all, Yuka thought.


The next day, Yuka tried to sneak into school to avoid the twins, since they were always out the front, flirting and laughing with ladies as they arrived in their groups.

Unfortunately, the spotted her and skipped over to her.

"Morning, how are you today Yuka?" They said in unison, reminding her of her own brothers.

"I'm….fine…" Yuka was surprized, Hikaru actually greeted her, and it was filled with as much joy as he normally does. Maybe he was over it? Maybe he was over her? She hoped with all her heart that that wasn't the case.

Throughout the day, she finally felt herself being able to do work without thinking of the twins.


After school, Hikaru caught up with her.

""hey, Yuka, Kaoru's got work to do, so want to walk home together?" It was out of the blue, and she certainly had nothing wrong with it.

"Uh, sure" She said, forcing a friendly smile. He smiled back as they started walking at a slow, agonizing walk home. She just wished he would walk faster, but he seemed intent on making the walk home, a long one. It was quiet until Hikaru piped up, talking softly.

"I'm sorry" His words pierced your heart, and it hurt to look at him.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry" She tried to convince him, tried to convince herself too.

"No, the way I acted...I knew all too well you had a boyfriend, yet acted jealous when I saw him kiss you" He then laughed sadly.

"It's not like I have a chance though, is it? I mean, you love Kei, right?" Does she? Did Yuka really love Kei? Could what she feel for Kei be love? No, and she was sure about that.

"I don't love Kei" Yuka's words were confident, and she felt a little too bold.

"You don't? Then why are you dating him?" Hikaru sounded interested, very interested

"Because it's hard to let go after all this time Hikaru, I can't just break up with him and that's the end of that "It was true, Kei would never let Yuka go without a fight, especially for a host club member.

"And I guess I'll get beaten up again if you do" Hikaru finished for her.

"Exactly" Yuka said, ending the conversation. They walked the rest of the way in silence. He stopped walking abruptly at her front gate.

"Your house is  different to ours, it's much more…" He started.

"Modern?" She finished for him.

"Yeah I guess so…" He put his bag on his other shoulder. The silence was then broken by the sound of Hikaru's phone buzzing as it rang noisily.

"It's Kaoru…" Hikaru spoke up.

"I thought you said he was busy?. You know, that's kind of why you walked me home?" Yuka asked, confused.

"He is….but. He never calls me, not for anything…" Hikaru said, before answering his phone. After a few minutes of talking, Hikaru snapped his phone shut, his face pale.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Yuka asked, anxiousness creeping into her voice.

"Kaoru broke his leg, he was working on an assignment at the park testing for bacteria and stuff, and he tripped and fell at the top of one of those big slides and is now at the hospital" Hikaru said, biting his lip, trying not to cry.

"Oh Hikaru, It'll be okay, I'll come with you to the hospital, okay?" Yuka said, trying to be as comforting as she could. Hikaru nodded and Yuka started the short journey to the hospital with Hikaru.

-At The Hospital-

Hikaru had been pacing for a good 10 minutes now, and Yuka sat there helplessly, trying to calm him down, but he wouldn't hear a word of it. When he was finally able to see Kaoru, his eyes lit up and he was in the room in a flash.

Kaoru was sitting up and eating Jell-O.

"helllooo" Kaoru sounded perfectly fine, but his right leg was engulfed in a huge white, plaster cast.

"Kaoru!" Hikaru said, embracing his brother, upset.

"I'm sorry I had you so worried Hikaru, but I'm fine now" Kaoru said gently, smiling. Yuka wondered if the whole 'brotherly act' at school was actually real. Hikaru sat there hugging his brother for a while, Yuka felt awkward, she thought about leaving until Kaoru looked up and smiled at her.

"Thanks Yuka, for bringing Hikaru, I know that he doesn't know his way around the town yet, like a lost puppy, he would wander the streets" He chuckled.

"Kaoru! You're embarrassing me!" Hikaru said with an embarrassed blush. Yep, this defiantly was an act….

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