Ouran highschool host club Fanfiction~ A new beginning!: Chapter 4

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Emiri woke up to a maid knocking at her door.
"Miss Hitachiin? Are you awake?" The door creaked open, and three maids poured into the room.
"Misss Hiiitaaachiiin?" One maid said. Almost sing songy."breakfast is waiting,"

Emiri groaned and buried her face into her pillow, tightening the sheets around her.
"...and a boy is downstairs waiting too!"
"A cute one!"
"He's so polite!" The maids chorused.
Emiri bolted upright.
"What?! A boy?!"
"Yes, miss! Master Felix"
Emiri groaned.
"Is he downstairs?" Emiri said in a hushed whisper. Why was she whispering? Obviously he couldn't hear her from here!
"Yes miss, he's waiting down in the dining hall with your parents. He's joining them for breakfast by invitation from your father"
Emiri rolled her eyes.
Of course her father asked him to join.

Emiri hurriedly got dressed into a cute dress. And she got her stylist to quickly put her hair up in a cute messy side bun.

Giving herself a quick look In the mirror she hurried downstairs, taking two at a time.
She walked into the dining hall nervous, and slightly breathless.

Her dad sat at the head of the table like normal, her mother to his left, and Felix to his right. Her dad must have made a joke because Felix's whole face lit up as he laughed.

She quickly walked over to her spot next to her mother, who smiles at her lovingly.
"Good morning, lovely"

Felix's attention was then directed to you.
"G-good morning, Emiri" Felix greeted her "I hope you don't mind...your father invited me to breakfast. And so I accepted"
Emiri nodded shyly.
"Of course it's okay.." She looked down at the table cloth, which quickly disappeared as a plate of delicious, steaming food was presented in front of her.

"Your breakfast, miss" the maid curtsied and exited the room.
Emiri nodded and mumbled her thanks.

Felix smiled at her across the table.
"You look tired" he joked.
"I feel tired" she picked up her fork and skewered a piece of omelette. It was a commoners food, but her chef made it taste amazing.
"Shall I get the family nurse in? I'm sure she can help you"
"Dad, I'm sure it's nothing like that"
"She was probably thinking about me" Felix whispered extremely quietly. Emiri had only just barely heard it, and Felix's tell-tale grin at her confirmed her suspicions. She choked on her juice.


Felix and Emiri strolled slowly through the colourful and bright gardens that lay hidden behind the Hitachiin Mansion.
"..and these are [flower/name] they're beautiful this time of year" Emiri smiled lovingly down at the soft petals.
Felix followed her gaze to the delicate flower.
"They're beautiful. I've never seen anything like it. This garden is bigger than my house!" Felix smiled in awe.

Emiri giggled quietly and dared to sneak a glance at the boy next to her.
He'd already been looking at her. Their eyes met. Holding the gaze, Felix leant in and pressed his lips to hers, for a second, glorious time.

Emiri smiled and let her eyes flutter shut. As she was enjoying the kiss, a sharp pain struck through her chest, her lungs tightening.
"Emiri? Emiri, are you okay?" Felix asked half confused, half worried.

Emiri nodded and brushed him off.
"Yeah..yeah I'm fine" a wave of uneasiness flowed through her. Something wasn't right...

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