Part 2

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It took 3 hours.

3 hours of james constantly turning over and over again until severus couldn't take it and decided the best way to make it stop was chucking a pillow at his head.

" for salazars sake do you NEVER STOP MOVING!" Severus yelled.

James yelped when the pillow hit him in the stomach and clutched onto it in confusion.

" what the hell snivilus!"

" shut up and stop moving! Its 1 am im tired!"

" well stop yelling! Ill stop moving."

" thank you! For fucks sake." Severus caught the pillow when james threw it back, laying back down and sighing.

He closed his eyes and finally felt himself start to drift when he heard the bed next to him shift.

And then someone get off of it and severus' stupid curiosity forced him to open his eyes and peer at james.

" what the hell are you doing?" Severus asked.

James stopped and coughed.

Severus immediately understood what was happening and stood up.

" god dammit stop holding it in!" Severus scolded.

He took him to the bathroom, james coughing and hacking the entire way.

This time it wasnt as bad but it seemed like there were still some that couldn't get out the first time.

" come on." Severus rubbed his back as james coughed into the sink.

The sink bowl got covered in blood, although not as bad.

There were fewer stems which relieved both james and severus.

It was horrible having to watch james heave up that many thorns. It sent a shiver down severus' spine.

Severus sat on the toilet with the lid down as he continued to rub james' back.

Finally when the petals stopped coming, james wiped his mouth with his forearm and slid against the wall across severus.

" gross." Severus commented on james wiping his blood and spit on his forearm.

" shut up." James said while panting.

Severus shook his head and crossed his arms against his stomach, leaning closer to james.

" seriously you have a bad habit. Stop holding it in."

" you said to be quiet. I didn't want to bother you."

" oh fuck off. This is different. This is a deadly disease which i know the affects of full well. Stop trying to kill yourself and just let it out." Severus took a towel and wiped off the blood properly.

The small hand towel was now stained with blood from last time as well.

" aw you're taking care of me."

Severus froze, glaring at james then rolled his eyes. James still had a cheeky smile on his face.

" fine. Wipe it yourself." Severus stood up to leave when james grabbed his wrist.

" wait no! Im sorry." James laughed. Severus scoffed but sat back down nonetheless.

" god I forgot how much if a prat you are."

" im better than before am i not?"

" true. You havent tried to pull a prank of flip me upside down yet so I'll count it as a plus."

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