Part 17 ( last part)

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" hes crashing!"

" get the healer!"

" keep him breathing!"

The words were yelled across the room as the frantic nurses tried to help james.

His chest convulsed as he started to choke on flowers and blood.

Severus watched in horror as the ventilator that was hooked back onto him splattered red with blood. His hands trembled and he had to turn away as more people rushed in.

Silently sobbing behind the door as more people ran past him, he slid to the ground just a few feet away from the person he loved.

He tried not to think. He tried not to expect the worse but his mind wandered until he found himself begging for it to be over.

" you promised."

Severus woke with a start. The open window allowed the cool spring breeze to waft through the room while he sat up.

He brought his knees to his chest, rubbing at his temples and eyes trying to get the image out of his head.

He didn't want to remember that day, so why was it coming back now?

The clock that ticked a little too loud showed the time as 3:29 am.

Severus sighed and stood up.

He wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.

That incident happened 2 years ago. Since then they've had worser things to worry about. Like the war right outside their windows.

He turned 20 less than a month ago and it was an unnecessarily large celebration. Thrown by lily of course.

She always made a big fuss since what happened to him. Guess she realized Severus wouldn't be around for every birthday.

Severus glared at the boiling kettle, waiting for it to be done so he could make his tea.

Perhaps that would get him back to bed but he already knew it would be useless.

" sev? What are you doing up?" Small footsteps entered the kitchen.

Severus smiled tiredly at lily's disheveled look and leaned against the counter.

" making tea."

" mind making me a cup?"

" sure." Severus nodded.

Lily smiled and took out a bag of chips from the pantry beside the fridge.

" so." She propped herself up on the kitchen island.

Severus hated when she did that and she knew, but they were both too tired to argue.

" whats got you like this?" Lily gestured to severus' general look.

Severus sneered sarcastically and went to the kettle when it finally finished boiling.

" nightmare." He said simply.

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