XZ1005- Chapter 7

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This Fiction is an AU.  meaning this is not what happened in their lives.  AU means Alternate Universe.  I'm not the only one who makes stories like this so don't judge me.

Wang Yibo is a part of my self sometimes I think that people are like that before because I am an introvert, I hope you understand.

Don't think that the author knows something even though he has it haha.  Ok anyway, thanks to those who didn't judge my Story.

back to the story ...


Wang Yibo POV

I let Sean's Sister into My house.  I looked at her and I wouldn't deny that they were siblings and they had a facial structure and similarities.

"Miss ...."

"I'm Xiao Xuan Lu. But you can call me Lulu .. I'm a Clinical Psychiatrist. If you're wondering why I'm here and I found out who you are simply .. Dr. Wang Zhoucheng is my ex-boyfriend, I'm the one to preserve my brother's body. I just found out that Sean was taken for an experiment. I was angry with Zhoucheng, he doesn't have everything, he's a greedy man, He loves me for purposes. Because he plans to auction my brother. Then he succeeded.. "

I looked at her,  tears earlier are worse now.

"Mr. Wang Yibo, would you ask me. Did you just experiment with my brother to have fun because your life is boring ??? Please Answer me .."

"Yes at first that's my reason ..."- I put the coffee on the table and drank mine.

Zhan was in the living room sitting and I gave him a jigsaw puzzle so that he could do something. I felt sorry for his sister.

"Why ????"

"Because I'm alone. No one loves me .. I'm a boring man"

"But you are capable to look for love .."

"Can we please change this fucking topic ????"

"All of a sudden my brother wasn't happy. Our parents didn't give him the happiness he wanted, I live in America so he didn't have anything to do with his growing up. He didn't have the shoulder to cry on when he had a problem. Our parents disown him when my brother asks for freedom. They always ask him that being gay is a plague, It's a mortal sin, I know he can't handle the pain so he decided to end his life. I didn't accept what happened to  My only brother. But when I found out he was being experimented with, my heart was even more broken. My Pathetic Baby Brother. "

"Don't Blame me for using him as my experiments, I only choose him coz he is the one who I like,  And to tell me that he's just my subject for fun. You're wrong .."

She knelt in front of me and held both my hands.

"Please Love him. I know he's not a human now. But please love him .. make him happy, make his soul happy, Don't used him for your shitty needs, love him as a human, not as your toy.  .Please do that for me .. "

I don’t want to promise him.  I Never promise to any people. I don't want to break the promise she is asking of me.

"I never promise ... But I try to obey your favor ..."

"Thank You So much ..."

For the last time, I brought her closer to Zhan.  It was just looking at them.

"Zhan Baobei, She's your sister ...."

Lulu hugged her brother and I saw the joy on Lulu's face.  I don’t have a sibling so I don’t know the feeling of having someone called Shijie or Gege.  I have never experienced being called Didi or Gege.

I was just looking at them.  I witnessed how Zhan reacted when he hugged his Shijie.

  I witnessed how Zhan reacted when he hugged his Shijie

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"Sean. Whenever you are. You are always here in my heart. I like I said. You're my one and only baby brother .. Sorry because I'm not here when you need me .. I'm sorry for not being a good sister to you. If you feel neglected not on your side .. I'm sorry Brother. Please accept my apology "

 Please accept my apology "

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"Shijie .. A'Sean loves you"



XZ1005- YIBO'S POSSESSION Where stories live. Discover now