Chapter 12

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yay!!!! new chapter. I know it's been too long and i apologize for that, but in my defense i've been studying like crazy for my AP World history class and i just haven't had the time. I had actually planned on this story being over by now but since i haven't had the chance to upload lately it's not. I'm going to upload more now because once may hits you'll be lucky if i get on at all. i'm still planning on the sequal being started on the 4th of April and theirs still about 5 or 6 more chapters to this story so i'm pretty sure i'll meet my deadline to finish by the end of this month. I'm going to stop rambling now so you can enjoy the chapter. remember vote comment and everything else that's avalible for you to do now.

Chapter 12

Elizabeth:7 months old

Jalice and Asper: 6 months 3 weeks

Erin: 6 1/2 months

Bella's POV

We had a great time at Charlie's house we got to get away from everything and forget all our troubles. Charlie had grown attached to Elizabeth by the time we left as well as the other babies and he wasn't ready for us to leave once friday came. We didn't even want to leave but we knew if we stayed longer we'd just be putting Charlie in danger by being there so we had to go home. So after promising Charlie for a visit soon we all got into our vehicles and took the long drive back to the house.

Renesmee still hadn't told us about the big secret with Jacob. I knew Edward knew because he could read their mind, but I didn't and it was starting to bug me that I was so out of the loop. I daughters supposed to tell her mother everything, Ok granted that i'm not the best example for a daughter I never told my mother everything but i mean what was I going to do call her up and say yeah mom i'm married to a vampire and my oldest daughter is half vampire. I couldn't do that. I never had that relationship with Nessie though we had the kind of relationship that we were best friends no matter what. I was really trying to not let this bug me tell myself that she would tell me when she was ready.

Now back at home two weeks after leaving Charlie's everyone was starting to get nervous it was about 2 1/2 months till the Vultori visit and we knew that it would be bad. I didn't want my babies anywhere near that battle but I knew they would have to be there in order for the Vultori to know that they were harmless. Edward didn't like Renesmee or Elizabeth being there any better than I did but we knew it was the only way to stop them. We were going to try this different than we did with Ness, we were going on our own we would stop them without putting anyone else in danger. As a family we were strong we could conquer anything together. Also, the fact that we saw just Aro, Demetre, and Caius coming alone with a few others from the court so it wouldn't be as bad as last time.

Edward didn't want me Alice or Rose anywhere near it since we were half vampire and half human but he knew we had to be there Alice and I still had our powers to help protect us so we weren't completly usless. The guys were now talking strategy while us girls were in the main room playing with the babies. All four could now crawl and at 7 months old Elizabeth was showing signs of walking soon not now but by her 1st birthday is a possibility all it's own. I knew it wouldn't be long till everything started changing. We would make it through the Vultori situation, but then what. Ness would get married someday have kids of her own then my Elizabeth would grow up and start school. Luckily I had more time with her than I ever did with Ness I had 18 long years with my lizzy while Ness I only got 6 years.

It was just past 5 when I decided to cook dinner for everyone Esme was out shopping for more groceries since we were running low but I knew we had enough for dinner tonight. I had left the babies in the big pin we had set up in the living room so they couldn't get into anything. while I made dinner Rose and Alice had gone out to hunt but I knew they would want something else when they got back. Ness was out with Jacob they had gone back to la push to see the pack and would be back in a half an hour and I knew they'd be hungry as well. I decided on making hamburgers, Mac and cheese and french fries. Everyone was back by the time I had finished dinner and I called everyone to come eat. The guys were still talking stratigy at the kitchen table so we all took our food to the living room and ate while the babies were sitting on the floor watching spongebob square pants on the tv.

After dinner it was time to take the babies to bed. It took me a while to get elizabeth to sleep she was so tiered but she wanted to stay up and watch tv. After a while I just left her in her crib to cry herself to sleep like my mom always did when I was a baby. I didn't like doing it but she had to learn that crying won't get her what she wants. I walked downstairs and the guys were finally done talking.

"Hey wants wrong with Elizabeth? Why'd you leave her crying?" Edwad asked coming over to give me a hug.

"She doesn't want to go to sleep so I left her in her crib to cry herself to sleep." I said

"Now come on Bella you can't leave her to cry." He said

"Oh trust me Edward I don't like it, but she's going to learn that crying won't get her everything she wants." I said stopping him from going upstairs to get Elizabeth.

"don't go up there Edward let her cry she'll go to sleep eventually. Now did you figure everything out for the vultori?" I asked

"Yeah for the most part we got it all done i'll fill you in later right now you look tired likes get to bed." He said giving me a kiss before leading me up to our temporary bedroom. My last thought before going to sleep was ' I can't wait to get back to my house' and i drifted off to sleep.

The Next morning we all woke up to Alice screaming. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to where I heard the scream coming from.

"Alice, Alice Whats wrong!?" I asked

"I had another vision." She answered, the vultori there coming but that's not the problem, it's someone different someone i've never seen before I don't know who it is but it's the person that told on us. I don't reconize the face, do you know who it is Edward?" Alice finished

 "I know that face but not the name. Bella love does this person sound familer to you at all dark brown curly hair, blue eyes, about 5 foot 1." Edward asks

"Jessica!?" Bella asks/screams

"Yes that's her name, I couldn't remember her but in alice's vision she had red eyes." Edward said

"But i don't remember anyone telling us about her changing wouldn't the vultori know about that?" I asked

" But they don't go spreading news about vampires turning besides they're not exactly talking to us now." Alice cut in.

"Yeah but Jessica of all people I know we weren't great friends in high school but we were friends." I said

" She's Jealous of you love, She wanted your life, everything you've got now she's always wanted well besides being  a vampire she didn't even know about vampires till a few months ago." Edward said.

I just thought it over for a while Jessica was jealous of me plain old Bella. why would anyone be jealous of me i'm not anything special. All I had back then that she wanted was........

"Jessica always wanted you Edward. that's why she's jealous of me she's was mad that you would rather have me than her she wanted you to go out with her but you never gave her a second glance you never looked at her like you did me, and of course we know mikes obssesion with me didn't help matters any every guys she wanted was in love with me. now she wants revenge." I said

"well if that's true what are we going to do about it.......?" Emmett came out of no where and asked.

A/N yay finally a new chapter hope you like it another chapter coming soon all 5 more chapters after this one so vote comment  yeah you get the picture

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