Chapter 13 and 14

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Chapter 13

Bella's POV

The babies all range between 7 month and 7 1/2 months old. Edwards never home he's always out looking for new scents that could lead him to something new. Carlisle is still at work and Emmett and Jaseper are helping Edward trying to find new information while Rose, Alice, Esme and I sat at home worrying. Ness stays with Jacob and the pack most of the time so she's never here. I really miss her and she won't talk to me about her's and Jacobs secret she hasn't told me anything I don't want it to bug me but it does I can't believe my little girl won't talk to me about whats going on in her life.

I was broke out of my thoughts from a shrill cry from the baby moniter signaling that Elizabeth was up from her nap and was hungry or she needs her teething ring. Poor kid was growing teeth and it was causing her so much pain. Carlisle looked at her and said nothing was wrong just that her gums were really tender. So I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and put it in the microwave to be ready when I came downstairs with Lizzy and grabbed a teething ring from the freezer.

"Mommy's coming baby girl calm down." I said as I ran as fast as I could up the stairs I was in the room in a solid 5 seconds not my fastest but my fastest was when I was fully vampire and not a full time mother of a human baby. "Here you go sweety." I soothed handing her the teething ring and picking her up. She almost instantly went quiet as she started sucking on the teething ring. I heard the door open. " Come on lets go downstairs and get your bottle I think daddy's home." I said and as if to prove my theory currect I hear edward holler "Bella, love, where are you?" He questioned

"Coming Edward I had to get Elizabeth." I said as I got down the stairs.

"Oh and how are my angels today?" He questioned giving me a kiss and Elizabeth a kiss on the forehead.

"Poor kids teeth are still bugging her I feel bad for her I don't know what else I can do to help her besides the teething ring and that only lasts so long." I said

"I don't know bells, now how are you?" He questioned.

"Fine considering the fact that the vultori want to come and kill my 7 month old daughter, and my 7 month old nieces and nephews, but what else is new I guess they didn't want anyone feeling left out they have to threaten all my family, Edward why can't they just leave us alone and let us live our lives." I about cried

"I wish knew love but i don't and we will stop them I promise that they won't hurt any of us!" He said wrapping his arms around me while I cried into his shirt and held onto my daughter.

After I had stopped crying mostly due to Elizabeth throwing her teething ring at my head and I couldn't help but laugh at the look she gave me when she did it, I went into the kitchen and grabbed her bottle and gave it to her to drink. Since she could hold her own bottle by this point I didn't have to feed it to her like I used to. It wouldn't be long now till she could have some mushed baby food and this nasty smelling formula could leave my house.

Renesmee's POV

I was at my Jacobs house and couldn't believe what was going on. Rachel and Rabecca Jacob's sisters were there and it was the second time I had met them but I loved both of them. They were both here to help me plan. Jacob and I were going to get married in just a years time. I haven't told mom or dad yet but I know Dad knows since he could read my mind and all I guess my guard was down and i started thinking about it. I didn't care though the only reason  I wasn't telling anyone was because of the volturi attacking again. I remember a little bit that they had attacked when I was still little when I was physically about 2 or 3 years old but I was really only about 6 months old at the time.

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