chapter 6 and 7 part 1

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here's chapter 6 and part of 7. hope you enjoy it this might be the only chapter of this story you get till next weekend due to the fact that i'm getting my laptop taken away for a week. tell me what you think of the chapters. comment , vote and read not exactly in that order. enjoy.

Chapter 6

*Bella's POV*

"Hey Edward I was thinking since our daughter is going to be born in about 2 weeks what do you think about names?" I asked Edward while we were working on the nursery room.

"I don't know I guess we should have figured this out long ago, I've just been so excited about the baby and really busy." he answered looking rather guilty.

" I know well since I named Renesmee I was wondering if you could figure out any names for her." I said

"Well, I was thinking what if we name her after my biological mother?" he asked

"Elizabeth?" I asked trying to remember his biological mothers name.

"That's it I think it would be nice for the name to live on in my family, I think my she would like to see her name live on." he said

"I think so too I love the name Edward, what do you think for the middle name?" I asked

"Ella?" he asked

"I love it, Elizabeth Ella Cullen." after I said that she started kicking my side.

"She loves the name" Edward said.

"You think?" I asked

"I know, I can read her mind and she's very happy she loves the whole family" he said " not Rosalie as much but you're her favorite" he finished and I started laughing and hugged Edward.

"Edward can you tell if she's human I really need to know what to expect?" I asked.

"She is, very much Human, 100% human actually we are going to have to be very careful after she's born even more careful than normal." he said.

"Edward I don't know if I can handle it what if I hurt my daughter, our baby girl?" I asked

"you won't, my love, but you know what's weird lately I've been hearing your heart beat again I don't know what's going on with you but it hasn't been happening to Rose or Alice hopefully it's a side effect from the potion Carlisle made, we'll find out in a couple of weeks." he said looking kind of perplexed and worried about me at the same time. He bent down and gave me a kiss on the lips and went back to hanging up the millions of clothes Alice had bought for my daughter they were all new born all the way up to 3 months. Renesmee was still at Megan's house and I was suddenly hungry.

"Edward, honey I'm heading down to the kitchen to get some lunch I'll be back in a little while." I said

"ok, love, I'll be here when you get done." he said. I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips and headed downstairs to make a sandwich and bar-b-que chips. Alice was already in the kitchen eating peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drinking a cup of blood. I sat my food down and grabbed a cup of blood for myself.

"Hey Alice." I said

"Hey Bells" she said

"guess what, Alice Edward can read my daughters mind!" I said excited.

"No way really did you ever pick out a name for her?" she asked

"Yes. We're naming her Elizabeth Ella Cullen." I said

"awww I love it Bells it's so adorable and I'm sure that Edward's Biological mother will love that you guys decided to chose her name for the baby." she said

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