chapter 2

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hey fans i know i told you this was coming tomorrow but i just got typing and couldn't stop so i went ahead and uploaded to day you will probably still get a chapter tomorrow if i keep on typing the way i am so yeah heres chapter 2, you know what to do read comment vote, i need to know what you think of the story so far love it, hate it, what so yeah i'm going to stop rambaling now and let you read enjoy.

Chapter 2

*Bella's POV*

It's been about 2 months since I started Carlisle's pill and nothing has happened, with any of us. We're starting to think that Carlisle was wrong maybe it's not possible for Vampires to get pregnant but Edward and I really want another little baby around the house but we still had many questions of how it would grow up.

Suddenly I went to the bathroom this is so weird because I never need anything from the bathroom unless Charlie comes. I had the weirdest feeling in my stomach, then I vomited you'd think being a vampire and not eating I wouldn't be able to vomit but yeah blood isn't as good coming out as it is going in.

"Edward, Renesmee, Carlisle! Someone!" I shouted mainly because everyone was out hunting and left me home mainly because I felt weird. Then I heard eight people running toward me.

"What's wrong, love?" Edward asked then Renesmee "Mom what's wrong, Dad what's wrong was mamma?" then they had one of there silent conversations

"don't worry I didn't call for anyone for anything" I said sarcastically.

"sorry, now what's wrong, love?" Edward asked again.

"I don't know, when you guys left I felt weird, then I vomited Carlisle I know that's not normal for a vampire to get sick so how is this possible?" I asked.

"Uhm Bella I don't know how to tell you this but....." Carlisle started but then Alice and Rosalie both bolted for the restroom.

"I'll go help them." Emmett and Jasper both said reluctantly.

I couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

*moments latter with everyone back in the living room*

"Pregnant!!" we all said together then I looked over and hugged Edward and gave him a long passionate kiss I couldn't believe I was going to be a mother to a baby again. I looked up at Edward to see he had a smile spread across his face mirroring mine. "I love you so much Edward you are the best husband ever."

"As I love you Bella, but I do believe you are just very biased. Are you ready to go down this road again we've already had this once with Renesmee do we really want to have those problems again?" he asked

" Edward Anthony Mason Cullen are you trying to tell me that you don't want to have this baby because I hate to tell you but we are not getting rid of our baby I will do anything for my baby and at least now we know what to expect and now I'm stronger so I can handle the pregnancy better that ever." I answered him

"Bella, of course I want to have another baby with you I've wanted to have another baby for 14 years since the day you and Renesmee turned 2 or if you really want to it's the day you turned 21it's just never been possible but really do we want to risk getting anyone hurt or getting the volturi involved again? He asked

"no and that's why they won't find out you know that if Carlisle's pill gets out then the Vampire population will get out of control and it will be just like it was when Carlisle was human?" I asked

" I know and we can't let Carlisle give it out to anyone."

"Hey, Edward baby, I feel really dizzy and sick I think I'm going to go back to the cottage and lie down " I simply stated and he looked at me like I had 3 heads. " why are you looking at me like that?"

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