chapter 3 and 4

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two more chapters for my fans i hope you love it comment and vote.


*Bella's POV*

After the weird actions of Edward I had to go see Carlisle to see what was wrong with him since Edward won't tell me himself.

"Carlisle do you have any idea what's going on with Edward?" I asked

"no I didn't know something was going on" he seemed really shocked.

"Well, we were in the cottage and I was tiered, don't ask questions yet, and then I came out after my nap and Edward looked like he had seen a ghost I asked him what was wrong and all he could say was 'my daughter'" I told Carlisle

"Well sounds like something ,but I don't get it Edward only has one kid well plus the baby on the way so I know his daughter is just fine I think I'm going to go check on him, is he still at the cottage?" he asked

"yes, good luck I couldn't get him to talk, let me know what you find out." I said

" ok I will, oh and Renesmee said she was going to Jacobs and would be home by 9"

*Carlisle's POV*

I had just finished talking to Bella and was getting to the cottage, "Edward you here?" I asked. No one answered. "Edward, son are you in here it's Carlisle."

*Edwards POV*

I heard Carlisle Enter yet I couldn't answer him I was still in so much shock how could this happen to me now of all times why not before I was happy before I was married to my beautiful Bella, with a daughter and another baby on the way I don't know what I did to deserve this I can't figure it out. Finally I saw Carlisle enter the room I was in, I was still sitting on the couch where Bella had left me to sit.

"Edward, son, are you alright? What happened?" He asked me

It seemed like hours before I could talk, even though in reality it was only seconds, "Carlisle, I don't know, I really don't this is such a shock to me" I answered

"What is? Could you explain what you saw?" he asked

So I started explaining everything to him, how she said I was her father and how I saved her brother and not her or her mother, how she looked just like me, and even how she said that she was here to look after my family and myself, " she said my mother was proud of me of everything I've become" I ended

"you've got a family that you never told us about" Carlisle said.

"I didn't know, I couldn't remember I guess that's something I wanted to forget from my human years so when I went through the change I just forgot about it." I stated simply as if it was the answer to the problem. Carlisle sighed and then asked, " did she say anything else?"

"She told me that... James was my son" I said not wanting to have to admit that I had taken a part in killing my own son and he had tried to kill my girlfriend at the time.

"James was your son, are you sure that's what she said?" Carlisle asked

"That's what she said, she said that after I had gotten sick James would visit the hospital to see me and my parents everyday and that after they announced me dead, he saw me with you and he knew what I had become and he wanted to be just like his daddy one day and he went to Italy and they changed him there." I answered

"wow, if only he knew his daddy wasn't the way he thought vampires always are. What I don't get is how he didn't recognize you when he saw you that day." Carlisle said

"I didn't understand that at first either but he seemed to be to interested in the hunt to even recognize me at all it was strange though because a part of his mind did recognize me be he didn't know who I was maybe he forgot about me during the change as well I guess we will never know then." I said.

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