chapter 15 and 16

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chapter 15

Bella's pov

2 days before Elizabeths 1st birthday

It was 2 days till my beautiful daughter would turn 1. I couldn't beleive how the time has flown. How could she already be 1, and just in a matter of weeks my nieces and nephews would be 1 as well. We decided that we would use today to celebrate all their birthdays.

When I look up I can see Esme walking into the living room with a gigantic cake in her arms.

" Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Elizabeth, Jalice, Asper and Erin! Happy Birthday to you! " We all sing when Esme sits down the cake in front of the babies to blow out the candles. It ended up that Alice, Rose and I blew out the candles for them and everyone clapped while Edward took pictures of us with the babies for their scrap books.

We had a small gathering for them it was just family there. We had Edward, Jacob, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, Renesmee, Rosalie, and myself. Basically just like a normal day, though no one even thought about the drastic events to happen in just 2 days. We spent the day eatting cake (those who ate food), playing games and opening presents.IT was actually lots of fun, though the day went by too fast. We took lots of pictures though and Rose even set up a home video recorders so the whole thing was on tap.

Before I knew it it was going on 11 pm and the way past the kids bed time. I looked behind me and Ness was sound asleep curled in Jacobs arms, Elizabeth was sleeping soundly on the other side of the couch but the rest of the kids were wide awake running and playing with their new toys well mostly the boxs and wrapping paper and throwing it across the room.

"Hey i'm going to get them up to bed i'll see you in the morning." I said to my sisters sitting in front of me trying to control their little rugrats and settle them down. "Ok night Bells" They said. " Night guys" I answered. "Ness, hun it's time to go to your bed, you're going to hurt your back come on." I said in soothing voice trying to get her up. She stirred a little but was soon back asleep. "Nessie baby girl, come on get up to your bed. Jacob come on both you up." I said and this time they got up and walked half asleep to their room upstairs. Then I carfully picked Elizabeth up as to not wake her up  and carried her to the nursery upstairs. We made it up in time to see Ness closing her door and heading in her room. Carfully I put Elizabeth in her bed kissed her forhead, tucked her in and headed to my bed where I found Edward already stretched out on the bed.

"Hey" I said coming over and curling up in his arms

"Hey" He said giving me a kiss, slow at first but slowly getting more urgent and before I knew it I was only half dressed.

After a couple hours we were both laying in bed. We just layed there comfortable in the silence snuggled next to each other and soon i was fast asleep.

The next two days went by fast and before I knew it I was setting up the tents where the kids would stay close enough so we could watch them but far enough away they wouldn't get hurt. It wouldn't be long till the Vultori were here and we were in danger. After I finished setting up the yard with the tents and some of there toys and some snacks they could easily get I went up to wake up my daughters. We decided that Ness would serve as babysitter for the day so we knew nothing happened considering they were one year olds in every way possible unlike ness who I think completly skipped the 1 year mark and went straight to 5. I got up and woke Ness up for her to get ready. The house was already abuzz with comotion since there were still 6 full vampires in the house. " Ness come on up, up, up you have to get ready the Vultori will be here soon and you have to babysit while the rest of us are explaining to them that it was a big misunderstanding. " I said when she didn't get up. I started shacking her bed.

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