chapter 10 part 2

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AN: Hey guys heres the rest of chapter 10. I have started back up at school and with exams right around the corner i can't promise much uploads but i'll get something every once and awhile when it's break time. I would plan for this story to be finished by the middle of January i know thats not much time but there might be a week when i can upload a chapter a day so i'm aiming for the middle of january, the 28th  at the latest then I want to get the first chapters of the sequel up in April no matter when i finish probably the 3rd  of April so Just wanted to make sure you knew of the schedule to come. If any changes are going to need to be made i'll let you know asap. Thanks for your support on this story and I hope you enjoy the next one just as much if not more but only like 6 - 8 more chapters and this one is done so enjoy and comment vote. Thanks again.  

Chapter 10 (continued)

Bella's POV

"Bells wherers Ness?" Jacob asked

" Playing PS3 with her dad, grandpa, and Uncles" I said as I was sitting on the couch feeding Elizabeth. "You can go on ahead up if you'd like." I finished

"OK Bells, oh and merry Christmas" He said

"Thanks Jacob you too" I said and he headed upstairs. Then I started playing with Elizabeth again till I heard a loud growl followed by things breaking. I put Elizabeth in the play pin with the other babies and ran upstairs as fast as i could run for a half vampire.

"What the hells going on up here?" I asked with Ness sitting in the corner in tears. "Ness why don't you go to sit with your sister downstairs and everyone else besides Edward and Jacob please leave" By this time Esme Alice and Rose had appeared behind me.

After everyone had left I returned to the situation before me. "Now what happened someone talk now." I said. Edward was the first to speak. "He wants to ask Ness to marry him." He said. "So you attack him with our daughter right there, she was scared to death Edward, she could have gotten hurt." I said. "Love, I know i shouldn't have done it but I did i couldn't help it it was just a reaction." He explained. "I know, oh and Jacob no, don't ask her yet she's still young let us get through everything going on right now first." I said. "I understand Bells, i wasn't planning it for now any way your husband here tends to go to extremes." He said. "Ok now that everyones settled Edward clean up this mess you broke the vases Esme just bought last week. Jacob why don't you and Ness go see a movie and grab some dinner get her out of the house for a couple hours." I said. "Ok Bells oh wait can you give me a 20 or something i'm a bit low on cash?" He asked .I reached into my pocket and dug our a 50 dollar bill and handed it to him. "Now go, don't bother paying me back Jake. " I said before heading out the door to go she my daughters.

"Ness go change, Jacobs taking you out!" I said "Alice is waiting in your room"

"Ok Mom just get down here I want to show you something."

I got downstairs and saw Renensmee holding Elizabeth so she was looking at the tv.

"Look at the TV mom." She said

On the tv there was a moving picture of an old episode of Care Bares playing, the one that we had just played for Elizabeth yesterday to keep her calm while I wrapped all the presents.

"Ness it's an episode of Care Bares." I said in a so what tone.

"Televisions not on." She said in a tone that said what the hells going on.

"Carlisle Edward get down here!" I shouted getting them to hurry up.

When they got to the living room they both  stopped in their tracks looking at the television.

"Care Bare stare" I heard Edward say

"Edward it's not the time for that look at our daughter!" I said getting agrivated by his childish behavior.

"We have to save the clouds cheer bear before the cloud worm eats them all and care-a-lot is destroyed" Carlisle said.

"guys this isn't the time for entertaining a 3 month old." I said

"Mom I think she hypnotized them they're being the care bears." Ness said.

"I think your right Ness." i said as Carlisle and Edward continued to act along to the care bears episode this is the first time i realized that no words were being said in Elizabeths motion picture.

"cheer bear we have to cheer up grumpy bear." Edward said

"Oh gosh Ness we have to stop this before it gets to out of hand." I said looking at my daughter

"Your right mom. Lizzy come on stop making daddy and grampa look stupid." Ness asked nicely which didn't seem to work cause now they were still doing the care bear stare and holding their stomachs.

"Ok Elizabeth please stop doing this for mommy your dad looks really stupid now stop for mommy please." I asked and like that the picture disappeared and Edward and Carlisle looked around confused still not realizing their hands were on their stomachs.

"What just happened?" Carlisle asked

"Well, you and daddy were the care bears." Nessie said breaking into fits of laughter. I could see she was trying to hold it back but not succeeding cause well it was really funny.

"What do you mean Care Bears like the cartoon we show to Elizabeth all the time?" Edward asked.

"Yes Edward that's what i meant now would you like to show us the Care Bear Stare again?"  I asked breaking into laughter.

"No now what the hell was that?" He asked

"Well, Edward it seems another one of your daughters is gifted she showed us the care bears movie we keep putting on for her." I said

"Hows that possible she's human?"  He asked

" Don't know Edward but we are Vampire maybe she has some powers you didn't honestly think she would be completely normal did you?" I asked

" A dad can hope can't he?" he said and wrapped me Ness and Elizabeth in a big hug before Ness and Jacob left for their date.

AN Ok what did you think about the chapter. Vote comment and well read the Auther note at the top cause some important dates are mentioned so well hope you enjoyed more chapters to come soon.

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