The cullens new arrivals chapter 11.

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Chapter 11

Bella's POV

3 months later

Elizabeth:6 1/2 months old

Jalice and Asper: 6 1/4 months old

Erin: 6 months old

The babies were now 6 months old I couldn't believe how fast they were growing up. We haven't had any more problems with Elizabeth which is good she's not using any powers and we're hoping it was just a one time problem and maybe she grew out of it. I'm glad Alice filmed Edward though that was too funny we ended up watching the tape over and over again and i'm sure if Edward could blush he would have been as red as a lobster right then.

It was about 3 months till the volturi were going to make an apperance and Edward and I wanted to take Elizabeth to see Charlie and Renesmee as well. Charlie hadn't seen Elizabeth but he did know she was alive he knows about the other babies too and he's really excited to see them. Since Alice and Emmett were Edwards brother and sister Charlie now had 5 grandkids to spoil and was Excited to get to see at least 2 of them though he didn't know that Rosalie and Alice wanted to come see Charlie as well. We wanted to visit him before it was too late to consider going at all.

It was Friday and Renesmee still had school so we had waited till that night to leave for Charlies. We had decided instead of staying just one day we are going to stay the weekend and come home late sunday night and be back in time for school monday morning. Once Ness got in home we loaded up the cars and were waved off by Esme and Carlisle. Jasper and Alice took the porche, Edward and I in the Volvo and Rose and Emmett took the Jeep.

"So, Ness you excited to see grandpa Charlie again?" I asked while we were in the car.

"Of course Mama I'm always excited to see Charlie and I bet Elizabeth is excited too." She answered

"Is that right Elizabeth is excited to see Gampa Charlie are you baby?" I said in a baby voice that resulted in a clapping and giggling Elizabeth in the backseat.

"What about you Bella you ready to see your dad again?" Edward asked

"Of course it's been over a year since i've seen him, We used to go once a year but we couldn't go while I was pregnant and we couldn't go when Elizabeth was so young I wish we could have gone sooner but i'm always excited to see my dad especially now that we're on a need to know basis about my whole life." I said.

"I have to say i'm excited to see Charlie too I want to see what his reaction to lizzy is." He said

"Lizzy?" I asked

"Yeah that's what everyone's been calling her haven't you noticed?" Edward asked

"No but I guess it's less of a mouthful than Elizabeth but I like her name." I said

"Of course we all love her name especially cause she was named after my mom but well we shortened Renesmees name why not Elizabeths name." He asked

"I know it doesn't even matter though as long as we don't confuse the poor kid." I said and started laughing. Edward Joined in followed by Ness then Elizabeth though she didn't really understand what was going on.

We arrived at Charlies around 5 that night and Charlie was outside waiting for us. As soon as we got to a stop I opened the door and bolted straight for Charlie. " DAD!!!" I shouted as I ran straight to him and enveloped him in a big hug. "God i've missed you dad." I said. " Oh i've missed you too Bells. I looked over to see Edward just getting out of the car and Ness on the other side. "Hey dad i've got someone i'd like you to meet i'll be right back." I said. " K Bells." He said as I headed back to get Elizabeth out of the car. I took her out of the car seat and wrapped her in her blancket so she wouldn't get cold against my cold skin, though it wasn't hard due to my being a hybrid it was still cold to the touch. I walked back over to Charlie with Edward next to me and Ness in front of me.

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