new story summary

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Hey guys. i just came up with this awesome idea for a story and i want to know what you guys/ girls think of it ok. if you like it the realease date is listed for the first chapter so. and i need some help coming up with a good title cause i can't come up with that. so just let me know what you think of the idea.

Carlisle finds out a way for vampires to have a baby, so basically Bella, Alice and Rosalie decide to test out the new meds. They find out that the child while developing develops like a normal human baby would inside of a human mothers womb and all that. Once the babies are born they find out that the child born is born full vampire but it would develop like a normal human baby would and act just like a normal human. While Renesmee is growing quite jealous of all of the new attention the baby is getting she goes to stay with one of her best friends, Megan's house. With everything going on at home with the babies no one even realizes Renesmees disappearance till a month later. To find out more read the story first chapter will be out Monday April 19th 2010.

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