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Seto opened his store, turning the 'Sorry, We're Closed' sign into a 'Come in!' sign. He threw the satchel on the desk and immediately started to work on his book.

He had alot to write today, he had dreamed of two days. Two! They had seemed far apart though. One day was of him waking up and finding a jester with Ty's face in the corner. The jester made him clean up the library, which he found funny, running a book store right now, then the prince had totally caught him from falling on his face. He was blushing like a mad man in his dream.

The second one was about him and the Ty-face jester performing in front of a dinner where a whole bunch of people were there, including the prince, Brice? Was Brice his name? Who knows. There was Brice there and the king and queen, who looked exactly like Adam and Alesa.

So, Seto got to work, writing all this down. He ended up splitting the library portion of the dream into two chapters.

Seto spun around in his chair again. His hand had cramped up from writing too much. 

"I should really take a break," Seto said, sighing. Luckily, Seto was on a block with a deli down the street.

The young adult locked up shop and walked down the street, adjusting his glasses. As he walked down the road, his eyes lay upon a giant castle. People always said there used to be sorcerers living there, but Seto knew that was a load of bullshit.

Sorcerers weren't real. Only in his dreams and in fables.


Seto went into the deli and ordered his usual. As he waited, he messed with his hoodie. He had made it and he was proud of it. Even if it only was three colors, it was still one of a kind. 

The deli worker behind the counter handed him his sandwich and asked him if he wanted any chips of soda.

"Oh, yes please," Seto said. The deli worker handed him some chips and a cup. 

"That will be ten ingots."

Seto fished the amount out of his pocket and handed it to the worker. He then went over to the drinking fountain and filled his cup with a fuzz drink. Gathering his stuff, Seto went over to one of the many booths and sat down, eager to start eating.

He dug in as soon as he sat down. This deli always had great food, probably why the owners were so rich. 

As Seto ate, the door opened, causing a bell much like the one at his store to chime. Out of instinct, he looked up.

And almost choked.

Standing there in the doorway was the the man from his dreams.

The blonde walked in, hair spiked in all different directions, like his dreams. The only difference was this version of Brice had on a slightly different design on his shirt and a belt hanging by his side like  a lot of people nowadays. He didn't have a cape or a crown either.

Brice, yeah that was definitely his name, ordered his food, oblivious to Seto's stares. After paying for his food, the blonde turned around.

The two men's gazes met.

Brice turned pale, as if he had seen a ghost. He must have recognized Seto. 

"Set-Seto?" the blonde managed to say, still staring at the store owner. Slowly, Seto nodded, not dropping his gaze.

The blonde shuffled over to Seto's booth and took a seat, staring into Seto's eyes.

"They aren't purple," he said simply. 

"Of course not," Seto answered back, knowing exactly what he was talking about. His 'sorcerer's eyes'. "You're not a prince."

"Neither are you." Neither of them laughed at the joke.

This was weird.

Really weird.


You guys are already giving me a lot of support ;v;

Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now