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The two had talked later that night. Unlike their past talks over the phone, which were all about the dreams, this one was about life in general. They took turns asking each other questions, trying to get to know each other more.

It soon became obvious that they had the same demeanor as they did when they were in the dreams. Seto was still calm at most times, but energetic and sarcastic at other times. Brice was still bubbly and sarcastic as well.

After the asking of the questions, they moved on to discuss random things. Things friends would discuss. The local hungergames matches and how that Jerome and Mitch people kept winning, as well as some Ant guy. How the deli down the street was gaining a lot of publicity. They even discussed Adam's recent spike in popularity.

They talked as night fell and Seto walked home. 

"I'm tellin' ya, Brice," Seto said, smiling as he talked into the phone and locked up shop. "Bread in the dungeons aren't any better than home-made bread."

"It's a hell of a lot better!" Brice's static voiced exclaimed through the phone.

The brunette laughed and walked towards his house. "How would you even know that?"

"I've eaten bread from dungeons before."

Seto made a gagging noise into the electronic. "You have no idea how old that could be."

Brice made a hmph noise. "It didn't look that old," he grumbled.

The brunette turned a corner and laughed. "It didn't look that old," Seto mimicked Brice's forren accent.

"Yeah whatever."

The brunette reached into his satchel and searched for his house keys, walking towards the front door. "Yeah, anyway I'm home ad I gotta eat."

"Alright," Brice answered. "I'll call you tomorrow, maybe stop by the shop."

Seto smiled and slid the key into the lock, twisting it. "'Kay. See ya." Seto stepped inside the house.


The brunette hung up and put the phone back into his pocket. He then flung the satchel in a random direction and slid off his large boots.Whilst taking off the foot wear, he hobbled over in the direction of the kitchen. 

He started walking normally again once his shoes were off, going through the hole in the wall to the kitchen. Opening a chest, he looked around for something to eat. After gathering some bread and pork, he settled down on the couch with a book. Careful to not get any food on his book, he ate and read.

It wasn't long before he finished the makeshift pork-and-bread sandwich, but he stayed sitting there for hours reading. He flipped another page and finally looked up, eyes landing on a window. It was already dark out. 

Seto swore under his breath, remembering he had work tomorrow. Quickly, he made his way to his bedroom and changed into pajamas. He knew it was girly to were pajamas to bed at this age, but they were comfortable. And it wasn't like anyone was going to see him anyway.

The tired male slipped into bed and pulled the blankets above his shoulder.

Seto could smell the burning of coals. He opened his eyes, looking around at the scenario before him. 

It was Spawn City, with its tall buildings and redstone street lamps. The brunette spun around, purple robes whipping around him in the wind. This people walked around in all different clothes. A lot had headphones covering their ears. Some had t-shirts on, others had no faces and just a symbol or letter.

It was a normal thing to see here. All different kinds of people. What was off was Seto. He felt out of place with his sorcerer's get up. The robes he had hand crafted made him feel embarrassed.

Suddenly he felt an arm drape over his shoulders. Seto looked over at whoever it was. They wore a black and yellow shirt, gray pants like the ones Seto wore, his shoes were black and yellow. His hair was blonde and spiked, eyes a piercing blue.

Relief washed over him when his eyes met the blonde's. 

Who knows why.

He couldn't recall how this person was, but he felt connected to him. The two navigated the city with ease as if this is where they lived.

Seto knew that wasn't true though.

Fans had stopped them ever once in a while, demanding screenshots or asking if they were real.

A lot asked if Seto was real.

"Of course I am!" he would reply with a smile, then would take a screenshot with them.

Brice would smile a lot of the time, leaving Seto to deal with the fans.

The scene changed, they were in a floral field. The coal smell that had lingered in the city was replaced with the sweet scent of flowers.

The two talked, but Seto didn't know what about. It seemed like a bunch of gibberish.

Once again, the scene changed. Seto was in a crown, walking around. A click echoed through the halls as his iron boots hit the floor. The faint sound of battle cries could be heard.

Seto was used to this though, being the prince he was.

Soon he was at the end of the hallway that had seemed to never end.

The blonde stood there in his own crown.

"It was real," said the blonde prince.

Seto lay in bed, eyes wide as he stared at the wall.

He hadn't had those dreams again.

They were done.

And they were real.


Welp, Seto had a normal dream. 

It was confusing, like a normal dream.

Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now