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Silence fell over the booth as the two stared each other down.

"So," Brice spoke up, still looking at Seto. "I presume you are having the dreams?"

"The ones where I am the Prince of Sorcerers and you are the Prince of the Humans?"

Brice nodded. "Yeah, I am having those dreams," Seto said, adjusting his glasses.

"You didn't have glasses in the dream," the blonde observed, staring at the eye wear.

To this the store owener nodded. Jokingly, he said, "Maybe because I don't have sorcerer eyes now, I have terrible eye sight."

Brice took this seriously. "Won't that mean all sorcerer's in out dreams have glasses? Assuming everyone in our dreams are real people."

"Not really, a have a friend, Ty, who is your jester and a sorcerer, and he doesn't have glasses," Seto said, also taking it seriously.

"Wait, do you know any other people from our dreams IRL?"

Seto thought a second. "I have two friends I recognize from the dreams. The king and the queen are my friends Adam and Alesa. So that means three people."

"I had a two soldiers and they have the same features as my friends Breny and Sean," Brice added after a few minutes of thinking.

Seto sighed, thinking over these things. What if this was some alternate universe that they are watching? Unlikely. Is this a coincidence? Probably.

Then a thought from earlier entered his mind. "What if it was a past life?" chimed Seto, looking the blonde in the eyes.

At first, Brice just laughed at this idea his new companion had come up. Then Seto realized that Brice was actually considering this idea. The dream sorcerer unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite, remembering how good the sandwiches here tasted.

Sighing, Brice took a sip of his soda. Try to change the subject, he asked, "So Seto, do you still like books?"

To this, Seto's eyes lit up. "Yeah I do! I own a little book store down the street." Then Seto smirked. "Do you still like romance books?"

The blonde's face turned a slight shade of pink as he ate a few chips. "I might," he mumbles through bites.

The store owner chuckled and his face turned a slight shade of pink.

Then his eyes widened.

Wait what?

Why was he blushing?

Because Brice was blushing?

He had just met the guy.


Seto adjusted his glasses, taking another bite of his sandwich. "Can I see your phone for a second?" Brice asked, starling Seto.


"I'm gonna put my number in it so if we come up with anything else, which we probably will, and we can contact each other and meet up."

This was logical so Seto pulled his phone out of his satchel.

Not purse.


He then opened the contact list and started to make a new contact, leaving the info part up to Brice. Brice took the phone carefully and programmed his contact info into the phone. Then he shut off the phone and handed it back to Seto, to which Seto took it and put it in his satchel.

Seto looked at his watch, causing his eyes to bug. He shot out of the booth, picking up his tray.

"You got somewhere to be?" Brice asked, staring at Seto with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, a costumer was scheduled to pick up a book five minutes ago. Hopefully they waited for me," Seto muttered the last few parts, shuffling towards a trash can and depositing the leftover food in the can.

He then half ran half hopped over to the door. Opening the door, he waved at Brice. "I'll contact you tomorrow and tell you about me dream."

Brice nodded, waving back at him. Seto walked out onto the path outside, hearing the bell above the door of the deli chime. He then sped down the gravel path, sighing in relief as he spotted his costumer waiting outside the door of his store.


Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now