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The sound of his footsteps echoed through the short hallway. Brice steadied his balance and held onto his sword with both hands in front of him. Seto stood beside him, eyes and hands blazing.

Notch get to the bottom of the stairs and looked around. Spotting Herobrine, he sighed. "Weakling," he spat in his brothers general direction.

To both Brice's and Seto's surprise, Herobrine said nothing.

"What do you want?" Seto asked in a calm voice.

"Isn't that obvious by now?" Notch asked, shaking his head in disappointment. Then he shot his head up, his eyes blazing red. "I don't want you too together."

A sword appeared in Notch's hands as he shot forward at the two princes. The materials of the sword made the purple and red light glint on the blade. Seto and Brice shot forward.

The blonde took a heavy swing at Notch's side, only to get blocked by the bearded man's own sword. Taking this opportunity, Seto summoned a fire ball and launched it at Notch's unguarded side. His red and brown eyes blazed as he turned to Seto and drew up a hand. The purple flame turned a red tint and launched it self back in Seto's direction. The sorcerer lifted his arms in front of his face defensively and summoned a purple shield. It shattered with the fireball as the collided.

Brice swung the heavy sword back again and jumped back. He ran again and lifted the sword above his head. Once Brice was in front of Notch, he swung his sword downwards at an incredible speed. Grunting, Notch jumped out of the way of the blade. The metal material hit the stone floor with the clang.

Notch shot at Seto, no longer paying attention to the blonde who was struggling to get his own sword out of the ground. A red glow ran down the arm he was using to hold the sword. The glow went onto the sword with ease and caught the material on fire. Seto gritted his teeth and summoned a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The quiver lay snugly on his back. Good, he thought. He hadn't failed the spell.

Notch jumped at him, raising his arm to swing the burning sword at him. Jumping out of the way, Seto summoned an arrow in his hand and drew back the bow. The arrow flew at Notch, who dodged it. On impact with the wall behind Notch, the arrow blew up with the force of a creeper.

They continued this process for a few minutes. By then the cells no longer had walls. Herobrine didn't try to escape, out of fear.

Brice swept in while Seto drew back another arrow. Notch swiped his hand at nothing. A piece of debris flew up and knocked into Seto. Seto coughed and pushed against the rock that was pinning him down.

This wasn't good at all, Seto thought. He was done for.

"Seto!" Brice called out, looking back at his lover with a horrified expression. Notch smirked and crept towards Brice.

Seto realized what was happening and began to panic. He pushed against the stone with all of his might, calling out for Brice to "look out!" The only noise that came out was desperate breathe.

Everything seemed to slow down for Seto. Brice turned on his heel to help Seto. Notch sped over to Brice and razed his sword with an evil grin. Seto reached out to Brice in a final attempt to save him.

Then Brice's blood splattered against the walls.


Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now