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Like always, Seto had dreamt about his 'past' life. This time, it was later in the year. The bright green summer leave had fallen and there was now snow on the ground. He felt very upset, like he was missing something. Later in the dream he had figured out that he had forgotten the color of his eyes.

Honestly, if Seto had actually gone through that scenario in another life, he would have been a wreck. Losing something that important would be hard.

Later in the dream Brice had told him his eye color was purple, like he had mentioned at the deli. Then they got all close. Seto was very puzzled at this. Had they become such good friends over this time between summer and winter?

Looking back at this, Seto realized they had probably become more than friends.

Back to the dream. They had continued to get close then something shook the tower. The two ran out of the tower-dungeon-thing. They found humans running around everywhere, Seto ran off in all the commotion to figure out what was going on and found the sorcerer army, his army, out side. They had made it through the human defenses.

Then Seto woke up.

He was now sitting at his desk in his shop, staring at his phone, debating whether to call or text Brice. It was a really silly thing to debate about in all honesty, but Seto didn't care.

He decided on calling, it would be easier to get information this way. Seto pressed the call button next to Brice's name. He then pressed the phone to his ear and waited.

First trill of rings.

Then the second. Wow, he was taking a while to answer.

Then the third trill rang.

Right before the forth, the call was answered.

"Hello?" a tired voice said.

"Huh hey. This is Seto."

You could almost here Brice's mouth curved into a smile as he spoke. "Oh, hey Seto! Calling about a dream?"

"No, I'm calling about that twenty ingots you owe me," Seto answered sarcastically. He realized he was really comfortable with this guy, despite them just meeting yesterday.

Maybe that was another life...?


The blonde laughed on the either end of the phone. "So, did yours do some weird time skip?"

Seto nodded, then realized his mistake and answered "Yeah. It was the first time its done that like. Ever."

"Yeah," Brice trailed off. "That was quite a dream wasn't it?"

Then Seto's face started to burn. He had almost forgotten about that part. You know, the part where they almost kiss.

"Indeed it was," Seto agreed. Then there was an awkward silence, just like every phone call. Seto noted to text next time.

"Anyway, where had you run off to?" Brice asked, breaking the silence.

"I wanted to find out why the tower shook, so I just picked a direction and ran," Seto said, summarizing the events. "I'm guessing you know what I found."

On the other end, Brice grunted in agreement. "The sorcerer army."

"So what had you done after I ran off?"

Brice thought for a moment, as if recalling the events from some place in the back of his mind. "I had looked around for a moment then got dragged off by some soldiers. They were saying how I needed to get ready for battle and that sorcerers were here. I convinced them to let me go and hide." He paused for a moment. "Then I woke up."

"Alright, so this is as much as we know so far?" Seto asked.

Brice thought for a moment, then asked. "Were we partners?"

Seto's face burned as red roses blossomed on his cheeks. "We aren't even sure if that was another life or not Brice."

Brice just stayed silent. Maybe he had shrugged or something, who knows.

"Anyway," Seto said. "I'll call you tomorrow after we dream."

"Sounds like a plan."



Seto hung up the phone and went on with his day, wondering if in fact they had been boyfriends.


I dyed my hair blue today and the blue got all over my fingers and stained my nails.

So we thought it was a good idea to paint them black

My emo is showing


Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now