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Brice sat down on his bed, looking around the studio apartment. The artist stared a hole into the dark wall as he thought. 

He had said goodbye to Seto. It seemed so final, Brice thought, eyes wandering to one of the hung paintings on his wall. Another tear slid down his cheek. The blonde had stopped resisting the tears after the first few.

It was tiring.

The blonde sat there with an empty feeling in his stomach.


The brunette pounded his fists against the bars of the cell. He had on his purple cloak and his gold crown sat in the corner of the cell.

"What kind of sick joke is this?" He yelled out of the cell. "You can't be serious!"

What the hell was going on? Seto wondered. Who took of his body while talking to Brice? Why did they kidnap him?

How did they know what his cloak had looked like?

He yelled profanities down the corridor outside his cell and continued to beat against the bars.

After his knuckles had bruised under his gloves, Seto gave up and started to pace around the room. Questions went through his head, new ones appearing every second. 

He sat down on the cold cobblestone. It made him feel a little faint sitting down for some reason, so he stood up. What was that?

Seto took a closer look at the cobblestone. It looked just like regular cobblestone. Why did it make him feel faint?

He reached out to touch it and it started to glow faintly. A gasp escaped Seto's mouth.

This was magic dulling cobblestone.


Brice reopened his eyes.

Yawning, he got of bed. He must have fallen asleep. 

The blonde made his way to his dresser, opening up the elegant piece of furniture. His brows furrowed as his looked at the formal ware. He did wear these kind of things.

Brice hadn't even bought these things.

He looked up at the room, now with fully awake eyes.

The blonde was startled at the sight of yellow walls and high ceilings. Stained glass windows topped it all off. He walked over to the window and peered through it, staring at the farmers in his fields looking around confused.

Brice turned on his heels, looking for a trash can. He felt sick.

They were back in the old life.


Seto felt beads of sweat fall down his face as he realized the whole room was made of magic dulling material. 

Why was it necessary to do that?

He wasn't magic or anything.

Seto's heart sank as he made his way over to a pool of water on the floor. Taking a deep breathe, he bent down and looked into the pool of water.

He drew in a sharp breathe.

His pupils were purple.


Brice searched around for his crown. He found it and placed it on his head.

Quickly, he burst out of his room and ran through the hall. People wandered aimlessly around, looking at the castle with wide eyes.

So this had happened to everyone.

He dodged servants that were meandering around, making his way to his parent's, no, Adam and Alesa's room.


Seto backed up from the pool of water, head spinning.

How did this happen?

Why was he here?

He backed up against his wall and shakily lifted his hand. Weakly, he stuttered out a simple spell he had memorized in his other life.

A flame sparked up in his hand.



They are in the other life again.

What magical force has happened?

Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now