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(Really quick, Brice ad Seto were both 18 in the past life. Now Seto is 21 and Brice is 22)

He was going to be sick.

Seto's knees buckled, causing him to fall onto the cold floor. Searing pain went through Seto's body when he hit the ground. The cobblestone was sucking the magic out of him slowly.

Why did he have magic in him anyway?

This was not normal. People don't just go back in time to a life they died in

A cough escaped his mouth as Seto lay there. His throat burned. His skin crawled.

Seto had gotten used to this in his old life, but after not feeling it first hand for, what? Twenty-two years? He wasn't used to it.

So he sat up, concluding it was better to not be laying on the death trap of a floor.

Silently, he stared at the wall, just thinking. He needed to get out of here. The longer he stayed the less likely he would be able to get out.

He had learned that.

Seto stood up, swaying a little. Once he steadied himself he uttered a spell, summoning a sword in his hand. He held it steady and walked towards the bolted door. The sorcerer raised the sword above his head and aimed at the lock on the door.

With a grunt, he swung. 

There was no sound of metal hitting metal.

On he other hand, there was the sound of Seto being flung back against the opposite wall. 

"You are really dumb for a prince," a voice said. Seto looked up, eyes landing on the figure from earlier.


Brice ran down the stairs of the castle.

Adam and Alesa had not been in their room, so where would they be?

Brice decided that it was likely that they would be downstairs in the thrown room. He ran, breathing heavily.

He soon reached the large oak doors that lead to the thrown room. Pushing with all his might, he opened the doors.

Standing there were a king and a queen. Both chattering worriedly to each other and  ignoring any questions from their subjects. They looked about Brice's age, honestly. That must have been the age they were in our new lives, Brice thought, making his way to the center of the room.

The king and queen looked up to see Brice. They both had confused looks on their face.

Oh yeah.

The last time they saw him was when he was eight-teen, now he was twenty-two.

"Brice!" Adam said, walking over to the blonde. "What is going on? You died!"

"Like, everyone had died," Alesa said, using her new way of speech and not her queenly way. "And we were parkour with Tyler."

Brice shrugged. "I think we went back to our old lives." He motioned to his surroundings.

"No shit," Adam said, crossing his arms. "But why?" 

Nobody had an answer to that.

Brice jumped suddenly, gaining both of the other royals' attention.

"Do you guys now where Seto is?"

Adam cocked an eyebrow. "The book salesman?"

Brice nodded his head. "He was our prisoner in this life." Adam snapped his fingers, smiling.

"That's why he was so familiar."

Brice nodded again. "Everyone that seemed familiar in our new lives we knew in our old lives. Or we saw in our dreams. At least I think so."

"Dreams?" Both Alesa and Adam asked at the same time.

"Did you guys not have them?"

The two shook their heads, getting a sigh from Brice. "Whatever. Do you know where Seto is?"

"I do," a voice boomed, causing heads to turn.


Seto tried to get up, but he had hit his head pretty badly. "Who the fuck are you?"

He figure walked into the cell, through the bars like some magician, and took off his hood. Under the cyan hood was a tan face and dark hair. Nothing unusual.

Then he opened his eyes.

They were a solid white, no pupils. No irises. Seto was taken aback.



"You the fuck are you?" Brice asked, staring at the figure by the door.

He walked towards them, causing some guards to draw swords. They didn't have a clue why did they did that, instinct to protect the royal family they guessed.

The man had a brown cloak on, a 'C' engraved in gold on his back. He waved a hand towards the guards and they flew back against the walls of the thrown room.

The royals had no weapons, but they did get into a fighting stance, ready to go against this intruder.

He laughed and took off his hood as he continued to walk.

They face under the hood was the one of old lore they hand learned about in school. His dark beard and bald head was unmistakable.



Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now