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Brice's confused glance turned into an angry glare. "You're lying. If Seto and I weren't meant to be, we wouldn't have happened."

Notch rolled his eyes. "Fucking teen love, its so dumb."

"I'm twenty-two."

He bearded man sighed, face palming. "Anyway~ I would know if you two weren't meant to be." He raised an eyebrow at Brice. "You have heard the stories of me creating the land and stuff, right?"

Glaring, Brice didn't say anything. He had nothing to say, because honestly.

He had no way to prove that Seto and him were meant to be.


Coughing, Seto propped himself again one of the walls. These cobblestones were really getting the best of him.

Though his own pain did not cross his mind.

Thoughts of Brice were bouncing around in his head. Was Brice alright? Where is Brice? Does he know about them?

Herobrine was sitting on a chair he had summoned in the middle of the room, staring at Seto. It was honestly really unnerving, having those soulless eyes stare you down like you are a piece of art on a wall.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Seto's mind. Very slowly he made his way towards the barred wall. Herobrine followed him with his eyes, wondering what he was doing. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Seto had made it to the door. He had been storing up energy on the way over here and now had a glowing sphere in his hand. The hand was hidden behind his back, out of Herobrine's sight.

In one swift movement, Seto jumped away from the door, lifted his hand above his head, and increased the small orb's size to the size of a beach ball. The white-eyed guard had shot up from his seat, leaping at the sorcerer. Seto brought his arms down and shot the purple orb at the door.

The door flew off its hinges and hit the opposite wall. Purple and brown eyes widening, Seto sprinted to the door. Arms wrapped around Seto, the impact pushing him to the ground.

Herobrine pinned Seto to the ground, knee on his chest and hands pinned above his head.

"Don't you dare try to fucking escape," Herobrine snarled.

"Help!" Seto cried out, wincing in pain. "Brice! Someone!"


Brice was continuing to glare daggers at Notch. Notch continued to smirk.

Then they both tried to regain their balance as the castle shook.

"What was that?" Adam cried, finally coming to it.

"It sounded like it was coming from the dungeons," Alesa said, helping Adam to his feet.

"Help!" Someone cried. "Brice! Someone!" 

The blonde jumped at his name. He recognized this sweet voice.


He turned to Notch, who's eyes were wide. He didn't know Seto was here.

Smirking, Brice started to sprint out of the thrown room and in the direction of the dungeons. The bearded man soon realized what Brice was doing and ran after him.

The prince had the advantage, knowing the hallways of the castle like the back of his hand. He turned another corner and another right after that, confusing Notch.

Panting, he ran down the stairs to the dungeon.


Herobrine jerked Seto to his feet, hand firmly grasping Seto's wrist. "Your gonna get me fired you ass," Herobrine spat.

"I don't care," Seto shot back, equally as hostile.

They glared at each other. Luckily Seto still had his height from the newest life and could look right into Herobrine's eyes.

Steps could be heard coming down stairs. Seto hadn't known that there were stairs, but that would make sense.

Herobrine swore and peeked around the corner, dragging Seto behind him. His eyes narrowed as he stared at who ever it was. It must be someone Herobrine really didn't like.

"Seto?" a voice called down the hallway. It was Brice. Seto jumped in his skin, mouth turning into a smile, but a weak one. He was drained from the stunt with the magic and all this cobblestone.

The white-eyed creature decided this would be a great time to reveal himself and stepped out into the hallway, using some magic to lock Seto in place.

"Well hello Brice!" Herobrine said, smirking. "Are you looking for something?"

Seto heard footsteps stop and guessed Brice was staring at Herobrine. He probably had recognized him. "I heard Seto."

Herobrine laughed, smirk widening. "Oh that little kid? The one that has really soft hair and light brown eyes?"

Seto felt a gag reflex coming on. He knew Herobrine was just playing with Brice but really? Brice did not find this amusing at all.

"What did you do to him?" he almost yelled down the hallway. The sound of a sword being drawn echoed down the corridor.

The white-eyed man waved his finger back and forth. "You don't want to do that."

"And why is that?" Brice questioned, still hostile.

"Because I have Seto." An odd sensation came over Seto as he teleported in front of Herobrine. Shocked, Seto hesitated. Herobrine had taken this chance and grabbed Seto's arms, pinning them behind his back. A knife pressed against his neck.

Where the fuck did he get a knife?

Brice's eyes widened as Seto strained against the man's grip.

Snickering, Herobrine said, "Your move, hotshot."


We had a level two lock down in school today

Lol okay 

Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now