Chapter 17 | "the little things"

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"So, Jaemin, how are things with Yeji going? She said that you two have been hanging out, hmm?" Hyemi said, nudging his shoulder as they made their way through the hallway the following week.

Jaehyun and Hyemi had been meeting up early every morning for practice. She'd been helping him with his solo, he was helping her with the group dance, and the two of them decided to actually choreograph a duet together just for fun.

"Maybe, maybe not. But what I really want to talk about is you and Mr. Dance Dictator. Who knew you had a little fling for old icicle face."

"Oh stop." She said, shoving him. "I was just helping him with his solo so that he wouldn't be so hard on us. With sectionals coming up, he's been going crazy."

"I mean, yeah that's true, but still. You two looked have been looking awfully cozy."

"It's called being nice, Jaem. And we're just dancing."

"Sure seemed like more than that from the way he's been treating you lately." He replied, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"what are you on about."

"Oh come on, don't be clueless Hyemi. He's always staring at you now, he complements everything you do right and makes an effort to actually help you with what you do wrong. Anytime you say anything to him, he actually listens. And whenever Yuta drags you off to look at his solo, he spends the whole time brooding in the corner."

"Okay, now you're exaggerating."

"I'm not, I swear. And you seem to be all smiley around him too. I thought you and Yuta were gonna end up together, since it's obvious he likes you, but now I'm not so sure."

"Jaemin, you need to chill. Yuta and I are just friends, and Jaehyun doesn't like me like that. And I don't like him like that either."

"I don't know, Hyemi, are you sure that there isn't some small part of you that likes him?"

She paused, thinking for a moment. He has been really sweet to her lately. And she does smile a lot around him.

"Whatever..." she trailed off, trying to hide the redness on her face.

"I knew it! You have a crush on-"

"Shut up, I don't! I'm just... keeping my options open." She whisper-yelled, slapping a hand over his mouth.


"You're fault for putting it there, missy."

"Ugh, you're disgusting." She groaned, wiping her hand on his jacket.

"Hey hey hey, watch the jacket." He said, flicking her hand away.

"You know, you're something else." She laughed out, rolling her eyes.

"And that's why you love me." He replied with a grin.

"What am I going to do with you, Na Jaemin?"

"I should be saying the same thing about you, Lee H-"


He was cut off by a shriek coming from behind them. The pair turned around to see Kyunghee and Iseul storming over.

"You bitch! You're the reason we got kicked off the team!"

The two girls got right in her face, shoving Jaemin aside as they backed her into the lockers.

"How fucking dare you get us kicked off!"

"I didn't-"

"I don't even want to hear it you, you lowlife,
stuck-up, piece of shit! You've ruined everything for us!"

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