Chapter 1: Last days

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The soft morning light shone through the windows, stinging George's eyes and slowly waking him. He rolled over, facing away from the sun to avoid getting up and having to face today. His birthday. His twenty-first, to be exact. George was usually indifferent about his birthday; not much changed in his life relating to how old he was. He lived with the same responsibilities and privileges as when he was young. Be a smiling, familiar face to the public and represent the royal family well. But this year was different. He felt the pit of dread grow in his stomach, and he tried to push negative thoughts out of his head and go back to bed, but it was no use; there was no avoiding today. He slowly got dressed in a simple white shirt and nice black pants. George was a humble man, but he enjoyed looking nice, so he slipped on two silver rings and a small chain. George took a deep breath and left his room, mentally preparing himself for breakfast.

    The dining room was large enough for ten-ish people to sit comfortably, even though only up to five people ate at one time. It was the private dining room for the royal family. Sat there was George's older brother, Sapnap, and Sapnaps husband, Karl. They had been together for a long time, but both officially became kings when George's and Sapnap's father had passed a few months ago. "Oh hi, George, Happy birthday!" Karl said in a small voice. "Thanks, Karl,". George replied with a smile as he sat down. Sapnap nodded and gave George a slight smile to greet him; but then returned to the papers he was looking over intensely.

    George liked Karl; however, they weren't very close because Karl was constantly attached to Sapnap. Sapnap and Karl were crazy about each other for the longest time. Sapnap was sneaking out to see him every night, most times getting caught immediately. Karl was bringing Sapnap flowers to his windows every morning. But their relationship experienced a shift once Sapnap became the king, and Karl along with him. Karl didn't have too many responsibilities, but Sapnap quickly became obsessed with the power he held and all the tasks he had to do, leaving the love he shared with Karl as something he had to deal with later.

    The silence in the air was broken as George's sister bounded into the room. "GEORGE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Niki brought George into a tight hug as she greeted him. "Aww thank you, Niki," George said as he hugged her back. Niki. The only source of hope and calmness left in George's life after his father died and his brother turned cold. His little sister meant the world to him, and he was almost jealous of her. She never put on a facade for the public; she said precisely what she felt and didn't care if people didn't like it. George couldn't remember the last time he wasn't wearing some sort of mask or putting on a persona as a perfect prince. But Niki's natural smile seemed to bring a sense of calmness over everyone she came across. "Could you guys keep it down? I'm kinda busy over here." Sapnap interrupted rudely. Well, almost everyone.

    "Aw Sap, lighten up," Niki replied. She hesitated. "Not on his last day here." Niki took a deep breath and George saw teardrops prick in the corner of her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. George rested his hand on her shoulder. "Why do you have to go?'' she whispered, soft where no one would hear her. But George heard, and he strongly agreed. "Yea Sapnap, tell me again, why do I have to go?" George usually was a calm person, rarely angered but seeing his sister like this, getting on a ship to marry a princess from a much more powerful country than theirs, Sapnap acting cold and distantly constantly because of old disagreements. It was all too much, especially this early in the morning.

    "Pardon?" Sapnap looked up from his work, almost daring George to speak again. George pulled away from Niki. "You heard what I said. You're the goddamn King, why can't you make it to where I can stay and not be shipped off like some political piece." "This has been the plan ever since you were eight, and father was adamant that the plan be carried out. You can not fuck up this long of an agreement just because you're being a baby." Sapnap growled. Karl looked at Sapnap with worried eyes, he stroked his hand slightly trying to calm him. "It's not fair," George pushed him farther. "My brother has all the power in the country, and he can't save me from this." They were now both standing, glaring into each other's eyes. "Oh it's all about fairness with you two isn't it." Sapnap spat back, his scornful eyes glanced between Niki and George.

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