Chapter 20: The Coronation

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(see a/n at the bottom:))

Georges and Dream's life seemed to continue as usual.

Well, as usual as they can get.

    The two fell into a natural routine of waking up together, working together, sitting beside one another whenever they ate or hung out with their friends, staying up late talking about everything and everything, getting on each other's last nerves in the best ways possible, and falling asleep in each other's arms. George grew familiar with Dream's strong arms around his waist and he grew used to finding Dream's presence in a crowd and gravitating towards it. They fit together perfectly and all of their friends agreed.

    "Dream!" George complained loudly "You've been in the bathroom for so long, other people have to get ready too you know. Today was the day of the coronation and all of the pirates were excitedly getting ready for the formal event. Most of them had never seen anything like this before, so it was a big day. George and Dream wanted to surprise each other with their outfits so they elected to change separately. "One second Georgie. Don't rush art." He said through the door. George rolled his eyes at him. See, Dream wasn't big on dressing up, George had seen all the clothes he owned, which were nice, but plain. Dream preferred to keep his style simple, much to George's dismay. But when Dream finally walked out of the bathroom George had to do a double-take.

    "Oh wow, Dream you look..." George lost his breath when Dream came out with a thin dark green button-down displaying his collarbone beautifully. He had black dress pants and was wearing a simple gold chain with a few golden rings on his fingers. His long hair was pulled back and he looked, in George's humble opinion, godlike. "Is this good?" Dream asked, though with George's lack of words, had his answer already. "It's better than good; it's perfect. You look amazing." George said while pulling him by his shirt for a long kiss. When he pulled back, Dream looked down at him, finally noticing George's outfit. Or lack thereof.

    "George? I thought we were changing separately to surprise each other, not just taking off our shirts. I mean, I'm down, but we do have to be at the castle soon," George laughed and pushed him away playfully. It's true, George was wearing only his black dress pants and black shoes. He didn't have a shirt or any accessories, which is a little casual for a coronation. "No dumbass, I needed your help with it." Dream chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Really, how hard can it be?" George turned and pulled a box out from under their bed. He turned back to Dream and handed it to him. Dream looked at him skeptically but opened the lid. George saw his face run red, and his eyes grow wide. "How did you even-" Dream said, still looking at the contents of the box. "Niki gave it to me for the outfit," George said. Dream slowly pulled out a slender black corset from the box. He held it gently as if he was afraid of messing it up.

    "Well? Do you like it?" George asked, searching his boyfriend's face for any kind of reaction besides shock. "Like it? I love it! And I'll love it even more on you." He said, eyeing George up and down. Dream turned George around and wrapped the thick black fabric around his waist. He carefully laced up the corset on his back. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready." Dream pulled the strings hard and tied them tightly as George instructed. George turned around, and Dream didn't even bother pretending to not stare. "You look stunning." Dream said, eyeing the dark fabric showing off George's figure perfectly. "I know," George shrugged cockily, and Dream scoffed at him. "Oh please, you just want me to take it off of you already." Now it was George's turn to be flustered. "I cannot stand you." He groaned as he put on his navy blue button-down over the corset. (Much to Dream's dismay.) "You love me." Dream stated, and George walked into the bathroom to finish getting ready. "Unfortunately!" He called back, and Dream laughed at him.

    George put on his best silver jewelry and his nicest cologne before heading back out. Dream thought he looked good, almost as good as before he had put on a shirt. The two men found most everyone else ready and waiting on the main deck. Everyone had rummaged through their clothes to find their best outfits for the occasion, and when they tried, they could clean up pretty nicely. Once everyone was accounted for and ready, the pirates boarded the smaller ships to make the shorter boat ride to the castle, with much better intentions than last time, might I add. George and Dream shared a boat with Wilbur, who brought Sally as his date. She was lovely as ever, and George was excited to be able to introduce her to Niki. The constant chatter of the four of them made the ride go by fast, and soon they had made it to the docks. The Kingdom is decorated nicely with flowers, banners and lanterns, it looked especially good, seeing as the country was dealing with an uprising a week ago.

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