Chapter 15: The invasion (pt. 1)

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TW: death, hanging

The morning came fast. When it was time for George to get up the sun had not yet risen. He didn't mind the dark though, it reminded him of the previous night. George smiled to himself as he got ready. "Last night," He thought and a goofy grin came over his face. The sequence of events that took place under the stars ran through his mind. The deep talks, swimming in his eyes, the kiss, the kiss, the warmth, feeling whole, feeling a love stronger than he had ever felt before, feeling like time had stopped just for them. George was hopelessly in love. He had hearts in his pupils and warmth in his chest. "I like the stars". George decided as he slipped on his boots. But this was not the time for distractions. Today was the day George had been dreaming of for so long, the day that never seemed to come. A day that terrified him. He was going to save his sister.

"Ah George, the man that brought us all here today". Techno slapped him on the back and George smiled sheepishly at him. As intimidating as the man was, with his ruby eyes and scars on his face, George trusted him. Or rather, he trusted Dreams judgment of him. "Hey Technoblade, is everything ready?" The man nodded. "Ready as we'll ever be". George hummed in acknowledgment. He then Wilbur across the crowded room and felt slightly relieved. He didn't want to be rude, but George found Technoblade hard to talk to. "Wilbur!" He called out and jogged over to greet his friend. "George, hello!" Wilbur said with a smile. "Are you excited?" He asked. "Excited to invade a heavily armed kingdom, no. Excited to see Niki? Most definitely". He answered with a grin. And he was. There were nervous butterflies in his swarming in his stomach as he looked around the room. "Looking for someone?" Wilbur questioned, though it was obvious he was. "Uhm, yea. Dreams supposed to be here. Everyone else is". Wilbur squinted at him suspiciously. He fell silent and examined George's face, squinting slightly. "You kissed him." He said flatly. George felt his heart jump at the sudden accusation. "What? I wasn't even-" He squeaked, but Wilbur cut him off. "I knew it" Wilbur smiled at him and seeing his reaction he knew he was right. "What are you talking about? Stop reading me," George said, attempting to defend himself. "Stop being obvious". Wilbur said with a shrug. "Was it good? What happened?" Will inquired excitedly, like middle school girls trading secrets about their crush. "Ew, stop that," George giggled and pushed Wilbur away. "Alright, alright, I won't pry," he said with a laugh, though he would be expecting the details later. "Besides, it's rude to talk about someone when they're standing right behind you". George whipped his head around to find no one there and he let out a sigh of relief. "Oh my god you are awful Wilbur" and Wil burst into laughter. "Whatever, I got you good." He said wiping his eyes. "It's about to start though, so I'm not technically lying". And he was right. George turned again to see Dream step up on the platform. He coughed a little to get everyone's attention. The crowd turned to face him, ready for further directions. Dream smiled wide once everyone was watching. "Everyone, you know the plans. We're better than them in more ways than one. Lay low and move fast." The speech was quick and to the point. It was just what they needed. Dream looked across the crowd, at his closest friends and companions. At his family. He found George and made eye contact with him. But George was already staring. 1,000 words of affection were shared in seconds of the look they shared. The golden light of the sunrise was hitting Dreams' tan skin just right and made his emerald eyes shine even brighter. It was intoxicating. Dream smiled wide and George knew this smile was his. "Let's kick some ass." He said and the group cheered loudly, more prepared than ever.

After his speech Dream hopped off the platform and walked over to George. "So?" He said expectantly. "So?" George replied, cocking his head slightly. "What did you think of my speech?" Dream said with a smile. "It was exceptional, to the point, and had a clear message" George replied simply. "Really?" Dream raised his eyebrows. "I didn't think you were paying attention." George pretended to look taken aback. "How dare you make assumptions, I know perfectly well what you said". At this point, Wilbur thought he was going to be sick from the shameless flirting and he walked away. As he moved so did Dream and George. As the crowd was distracted with preparation George was too distracted by Dreams face to notice he had been backing him out of the way of everyone and into a corner of the room where no one could see them. "Oh really? Why don't you tell me word for word what I said". Dream said quietly as George felt his back hit the wall. "No, you talk too much as it is, no need for repeats". He replied. Dream leaned over his smaller body. There was nowhere George could go. "Why don't you shut me up then?" He whispered, smirking down on him. George reached his hand up to Dreams chest and snaked it up to Dreams collarbone, his neck, and then his jaw, finger tracing the sharp edge. Dreams breath hitched and his pupils expanded, almost covering the sea in his eyes. Hooking his face George stood on his toes and brought his lips to Dreams. But he did not kiss him. They were so close and George could feel Dreams' breath fanning his face. Then he dropped his hand and pushed him back. "No, I like to hear you talk," He said and Dreams face fell in desperation. "Besides, it's time to go". He said with a wink. "Dream shook his head, still looking flustered. "You are horrible to me," He said as he began following George. "You know you love me" Dream made a face at him. "And you know I do."

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