Chapter 12: Reality

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The slam of the door caused George to flinch. He stood frozen in place, taking in all of what had just happened to him. The reality of his sister's impending death hit him like a ton of bricks. He felt like he couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't think straight. And why didn't Dream tell him so much sooner? George was hurt and betrayed by someone whom he had learned to love. He knew Dream meant well, but George couldn't get over how he didn't seem to understand how much he was hurting George by not being completely honest with him. George used to feel like he and Dream could tell each other anything, but now it was clear George was lying to himself. They were not honest with each other at all. Dream had tried to shelter George from the truth and George knew in his heart there was no way that Dream actually liked him back. At least not in the same way. To Dream, George was something he didn't understand, a mystery that we wished to solve. To Dream, George was nothing but a moment of lust, something to play with like a puzzle to a child. But to George... Dream was his being. George began thinking in Dreams voice and leaning into imaginary touches. George wanted to know his hopes and dreams. He wanted his body to be a part of the man just like their souls were. And this terrified George. He knew in his heart that his soul was tied to Dreams in a series of messy knots never to be separated no matter how hard they tried. The only problem was, Dream hadn't felt them being tied the same way George had. He was a fool. Dream was playing with George, messing with his feelings just to see a reaction. George felt like a plaything, nothing but an experiment to Dream. The worst past was George couldn't bring himself to ignore his feelings, it hurt too much to not be near Dream. So George let himself be Dreams experiment. After all, Dream had complete power over George in more ways than one. "I'm nothing but a prisoner". He muttered. George had gone from a false power to none at all. He couldn't save his sister as a prince and he certainly couldn't do it as an inmate. Boom. The truth George had been avoiding. The truth of no escape from anything. "Nothing I can do". George said as he slowly sat on his bed, arms crossed over his stomach and head looking down. He felt like he was back in his nightmare. Running and running but still so painfully stuck. The air was heavy and George had the same panic in his chest as last night making his heart beat against his ribs and his palms go sweaty. Silence roared in his ears. He wanted to scream and run. To cry, to break everything into a billion pieces. To kill, to kiss, to love. But he sat still on his bed. His previous appetite gone, he sat staring blankly at the wall, thinking about nothing and everything at once.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open slowly. George turned to face Wilbur peeking through the crack. "May I come in?" He asked timidly. George stared at him. "You knew, "He said looking in Wilburs direction. Wilbur sighed deeply and shut the door behind him. He sat beside George and George tensed up. "I'm deeply sorry George, I really am. I wanted to tell you but Dream advised not to, he didn't want to upset you. He was afraid you may want to leave." George remained silent and staring straight ahead so Wilbur continued."And go where?" He thought bitterly "He came to me after he told you, blinded with anger. He couldn't understand why you reacted the way you did. Why weren't you thankful for his trying to protect you". Wilbur chuckled. "You know how hard-headed he can be. I sat him down and explained, probably more calmly than you did, why it would upset you so much. Once he realized he was almost in tears. It was like his wall of being a big strong man had been torn down. He felt awful, wanted to come in here and apologize right away with flowers or some shit. But don't worry, I talked him out of it, felt like you might not appreciate his company right now". A ghost of a smile pulled at George's lips. He turned to Wilbur to finally meet his gaze. "Thank you, Wilbur, for everything". Wilbur nodded. "No problem man, and I am really sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but it really wasn't in my control". George couldn't be angry at Wilbur for anything after this. "I forgive you, Will, I know you tried your best and I appreciate it". Wilbur looked relieved that George had said this and seemed to let out a breath of relief. "Thank God, and don't worry about not coming into work or anything today, but you do need to eat". George nodded. "Yea I suppose I did miss breakfast, I guess I could eat". Wilbur made a surprised face. "Breakfast? George dinner is in 30 minutes, how long have you been in here?" George was also taken aback by this. "How long had I just been sitting in here lost to the world?" "We fought right after waking up" George said blankly, still impressed for how long he had been in here. "Waking up, why were you- You know what nevermind let's go get some food for you". Wilbur said standing and shaking his head. George was thankful he didn't pry. "I want to eat but..." "We can eat in my office you don't have to see anyone" Wilbur finished for him. George nodded and followed him out.

Wilbur and George attempted to pass quickly through the lunchroom to get their food and leave but George could feel eyes on him just like his first days here. "Why are they all staring at me? I was just gone for one day it's not that big of a deal". But George had a deep feeling that there was something bigger going on he couldn't quite put his finger on. They had almost made it back out the door with their food when George heard a voice shout his name. "George, wait!" Dream called out from across the room. George turned to find Dream staring deeply at him, and he could see the sorrow in his dark green eyes. The dining hall was silent, staring at the three of them. Dream came up to them ignoring the audience. "Can I talk to you? Like in private?" He said in a quiet voice. "Uhm... Sure" George replied hesitantly. Wilbur turned to go to the table with the rest of their friends and George saw them look at him curiously, but they said nothing. Dream touched his arm lightly leading him out of the door and everyone slowly began talking again, not that George noticed them in the first place.

Dream led George down the hallway and with every moment of silence George grew more anxious for what he had to say. "Wilbur had said he was really mad, what if we start fighting again? I really don't have the energy to defend myself..." George's palms grew sweaty as he remembered Dreams knotted eyebrows and clenched fists. He debated bolting but decided against it, Dream wouldn't hurt him. Dream opened a door off the hall that George had never been in. Inside was presumably Dream's bedroom. There was a large bed, a desk, a couch, a dresser, and a closet. It was obviously more luxurious than George's but that's not why he felt uneasy. Being in his room felt strangely intimate even though they had just got done fighting that morning. It was just strange seeing the place Dream slept and worked and lived in and... George pushed thoughts like that away. "Stop being creepy". He thought spitefully. Dream motioned for George to sit down on his couch and Dream sat across from him on his bed. The two were silent for a minute, neither brave enough to break the wall between them. "Dream I-" George began but Dream cut him off. "Don't" He said with a soft voice. George snapped his mouth shut. "I'm so sorry. Sorry doesn't even begin to express how I feel...I just...I didn't want to hurt you," Dream said shakily. George felt that he shouldn't respond quite yet so he let him continue. "I was just scared, I didn't know how". Dream said. "Scared of what?" George inquired. Dream lifted his head to George. "Scared you would blame yourself, scared that you would hate me, scared I would lose you". He said, voice breaking. George felt the emotions coming from Dream hit him hard. It was strange seeing a man, larger than life and as bright as the sun, crumble completely over the fear of hurting one insignificant boy. George scooted forward to come slightly closer to him. "This isn't your fault Dream" George comforted. "It's not yours either George, you know that right?" George grimaced as the words from his nightmares echoed through his mind. "Blood on your hands, Blood on your hands" "I hope it's not" George whispered looking down. "George. It's not ok?" George nodded even though he didn't quite agree. "I forgive you Dream," He said with a sad smile. Dream smiled back and his eyes lit up. "Thank you, George. I know what I would do if you didn't''. They looked at each other, not saying a word George opened his arms for a hug and Dream leaped over to the couch and took up his offer. Dream squeezed him tightly and George did the same, burning his head in Dream's shoulder. If this wasn't real, George didn't care anymore. "Dream?" He said. "I need to ask you two things". Dream pulled away and met his eyes. "What's that?" George swallowed nervously. "Never break a promise with me again." He said. Dream nodded sadly, guilt clouding his eyes. "And?" George smiled at him. "Never leave me alone like that again". Dream laughed at him and George had to stifle a giggle too. "What! I was bored! You can do that again. You have to promise" Dream grinned at him. "I promise," He said. "Now stop messing around George, we have to prepare". Dream said standing up. George tilted his head. "Prepare for what?" He asked. "For saving your sister of course".

1773 words :)
when you're writing a dnf au and it's starts to feel like you're writing a dnf au.
(also i know updates aren't as frequent as when i first started but then i was on spring break and now chemistry is kicking my ass. i love writing this so i'm not gonna stop dw hotties)

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