Chapter 19: Tours Into Childhood

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George woke up the next morning after getting very little sleep, absolutely starving. Most everyone else was up already but he was a little surprised when they had already left. George scanned the room until he found Quackity and then made his way over to him.
"Hey, big Q, where did everyone go? Did they decide to leave already?" George wouldn't be surprised if they did, seeing how they weren't supposed to even stay overnight in the original plan. "Most people are down at breakfast; Niki told us to go to the dining room downstairs when we got up," he replied. Ah, right, that makes more sense. "I don't remember her coming in, must've still been asleep..." George commented absent-mindedly. "I don't blame you for sleeping in; you were up all night with Dream." Quackity giggled. George could've gotten whiplash with how fast he turned his head around. "W- How did you know about that??" George asked, praying they weren't the center of gossip amongst the others. "Minx said she overheard Dream telling Technoblade. She said Techno looked disinterested, even annoyed, so Dream didn't finish the story. She told me that she was going to hear evvveeeerryyythiiinggg that happened when she talked to you." George felt his face burn as he groaned. "Damn Dream and his big mouth. I'm almost relieved that Techno doesn't listen to everyone and makes being a dick a regular occurrence." Quackity shrugged. "Doesn't matter; you're still gonna tell us everything when we get back." "Whatever," George rolled his eyes and made a mental note to make Dream his enemy again. "Let's just go to breakfast, I'm starved." Quackity muttered something like "I bet you are..." but George elected to ignore it.

    They finally got to the dining room George, was flooded with memories. It looked the same, but instead of feeling heavy and dead, the room was bustling with energy and filled with people. It smelled of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. George's mouth immediately began to water. He loved Tommy and Tubbo, but this was going to be so much better than their "batter with surprises inside". The one long table had its leaf put in and now sat twice as many people. George quickly found the rest of their friends already seated.

    "Goodmorning sleepy head" Dream said as George took the empty seat he assumed Dream saved for him. "Oh, hush, just because you get up early no matter what doesn't mean I have to." "I'm not the only one who was a little late; hell, Techno didn't even show," George said, looking to see that the pink-haired man was no one to be found. "Yea, Technobalde said he wanted to look at the underground cells, weird guy, but Niki let him go with a few guards anyway." George chuckled to himself, remembering his conversation with Quackity just before. "Yea Minx, Technos a strange guy isn't he," George said, nudging her. But she wasn't even on the same planet as the rest of them. Quackity noticed where George was going with this and joined in. "Yea Minx isn't that what you said this morning?" He laughed. "Huh?" Minx said, not bothering to look in their direction. George followed her gaze across the room, where she was looking at Niki stood talking to some of the staff across the room. "No way..." George thought.

    "Hello? Earth to Minx?" George said as he waved his hand in front of her face. "Oh, hey George. Need something?" She asked as if he hadn't been talking to her the whole time. "I've literally been talking to you this whole time; why are you so spaced out?" He asked. "No reason." She said quickly, too quickly. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Do I look blind to you?" He craked and Minx knew she had been caught. "Not a word George or so help me God..." "OOO MINX HAS A CRUSH" Jack called out and everyone snickered at her reddening face. To be fair, she was very bad at hiding her emotions. "Don't you dare," Minx warned, but it was too late. "HEY NIKI, OVER HERE!" Dream yelled to her, and if looks could kill, Dream would be dead in the ground.

    "Hello Dream, how are you?" Niki smiled sweetly. George thought it was a little ironic how pissed off and intense Minx was practically drooling over his sunshine of a sister. "I'm good Niki, I just thought you might want to join us for breakfast. You can sit..." Dream pretended to look for an empty seat. "Right by Minx, this is Minx, by the way." Jack leaped up from his seat next to her so there would be one for Niki. None of them missed the very faint blush in her cheeks and Minx's awkwardness. "Uh Hi, your majesty, your castle is lovely." George had to cover his mouth to avoid laughing. He heard Quackity have to pass a giggle off as a cough. The bright blonde took her seat next to the purpled haired woman happily, not noticing the situation or not caring. "Oh, please, we're friends now, call me Niki!" This seemed to relax Minx a bit and she stuck her hand out to Niki. "It's a pleasure to meet you," The two were immediately immersed in their conversation and lost to everyone else at the table. The others shared secret winks and thumbs up.

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